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"Hey Bee." Gabriel greeted once Beelzebub's office door was closed behind him. He felt quite smug with himself for managing to organise another meeting, since it could sometimes quite difficult to find an excuse for one.

Beelzebub gave him a glare that he was sure he hadn't done anything to deserve.

"What?" He asked, defensively, expecting Beelzebub to come out with a stupid reason and then to spend the rest of the 'meeting' flopped on top of each other on the sofa in their office, chatting, like normal. Instead, Beelzebub thought for a moment, looking very sad. Then they eventually spoke.

"Dagon... found out." They mumbled quietly, sounding annoyed with themselves and guilty.

"What do you mean?" He asked, suddenly concerned, although he already knew the answer.

"About us." They said, still quiet. "Sorry." They whispered.

Gabriel frowned. "You have nothing to be sorry about, someone was always going to find out one day." He said.

Beelzebub just shook their head, feeling guilty for some reason. "You should leave. We can't risk seeing each other again." They were trying to take charge, and sound strong, although their voice wobbled — they couldn't believe what they were saying.

"Ever?" Gabriel asked. His small brain was having to process quite a lot right now.

"Nah, probably just a few centuries until Dagon forgets. She only heard it as a rumour from someone, dunno who." They said, trying to sound casual.

"Er, ok then." Gabriel said unsteadily. "Bye."

"Bye." Gabriel teleported himself to Heaven, and sat in his desk chair to think about everything. Beelzebub just sighed, they didn't want to have to have done that, but it needed doing. Hopefully, the great plan and Armageddon would fail, so that everything would still exist in a few centuries time.

Sorry it's really short, but I'm trying to write a book atm (lets see how that turns out shall we lol). I'm spending a lot of time on it though. Wish me luck lol

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