16 (IH)

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It was just a normal day, that's what would make it a surprise. Humans need excuses to give presents, and it was nice that they would do things like that, but it really took away any of the surprise. That's what Crowley thought. He was nervous. It was going to be a nice surprise for his angel, he kept reminding himself. A nice surprise that he will appreciate.

He still couldn't stop himself from imagining a bad reaction. A reaction in which he gives him back the present and says he doesn't want it. And he was having visions of him having to drive back to his flat with the small gift on the car seat, untouched... unopened.

No, he told himself, that is not going to happen, he will like it. Why did this have to be so complicated and terrifying? It would be sad, if he was rejected, and he'd have to take the present back, and he would never have the heart to open it again, or to return it, so it would sit around for years.

He parked his car, in the space outside his angel's shop which always miraculously seemed to be free. He sat there for a few minutes, preparing what he was going to say again in his head, and preparing himself. He looked out the window and saw his angel putting a book on a shelf, and politely distracting a 'customer' who was showing an interest in one of the better editions of a book.

He was going to have to go in some time soon, he had drove here after all, and he wanted to, despite his anxiety for rejection and failure. He opened the door, and pretended to be his usual self; confident. He sauntered even more over-dramatically than normal, but no one would notice.

"Hey angel." He said casually, and every word he'd ever learned left his head for a holiday.

"Hello Crowley." He said, walking towards the blushing demon.

"I... uh, I got..." stupid, he thought, stupid stupid demon, say something! No other words exited his mouth. Aziraphale smiled politely, why did he have to do that? Why did he have to be so nice? It was the reason Crowley loved him so much, but right now he hated it. He blushed even redder if that was possible and Aziraphale pretended not to notice. In the end, Crowley just gave him the small box wrapped in pale green paper.

"Is it for me?" Aziraphale asked, confused, and for one horrible moment, Crowley thought he was going to refuse it and say Crowley was stupid for doing such an outrageous thing. He nodded helplessly, preparing for the worst. "Crowley, thank you, you really didn't have to." He responded instead. He liked it. Crowley sighed with relief, and smiled weakly while his angel opened it.

He revealed a small box of chocolates under the paper. He thanked Crowley again, but Crowley was still lost for words. When Aziraphale realised just how nervous Crowley had been, he pulled him into a friendly hug, and smiled brightly when they released each other.

"Uh, your welcome," he mumbled quietly, quite thankful for his sunglasses because they stopped Aziraphale seeing how relieved he was.

Ik this is a short chapter, sorry, but I'm trying to fit this in between schoolwork. Anyway thanks for reading, and please send some requests because I am pretty much idea-less.

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