11 (IB)

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Gabriel was asleep. Yes you heard me right. Gabriel was asleep. He was on Earth, he had had a meeting with Beelzebub who convinced him to try sleeping. So, now he was in a pretty plain and basic hotel room and he was asleep.

He was lying on the bed, which was a double bed, and was lying in the middle of it, with Beelzebub on top of him, also sleeping. Even their flies had settled down for this rare occasion.

Gabriel woke first, but didn't move because of the flopped out Lord. He smiled though, it wasn't often he got to be this calm, and he actually rather enjoyed sleeping although he would never telling anyone. He didn't want to wake up Beelzebub but at the same time he still wanted to run his hands through their hair. He felt sorry for them, they had so much work compared to him, and their job must be so difficult with having to manage so many demons. Angels, on the other hand, were usually fairly easy, they hardly ever get into much trouble on Earth. Aziraphale was a bit trickier recently, and Crowley, he hated them but he also kind of envied them which was something he knew he shouldn't do.

He imagined being free with Beelzebub, being allowed to walk around with them, and smile at them, and to hold hands with them. It sounded nice to be able to do things like that and not have sides. He hated even the thought of what Michael and Uriel might say.

Beelzebub's eyes opened slowly and slightly, and Gabriel smiled at them. They grumbled something along the lines of 'morning' and glanced at the clock in the room only to groan.
"We have to be out of this room in the next 10 minutes." They mumbled reluctantly. The two got out of the bed, but they had nothing to pack, so they just left.

Gabriel was thinking about last nights events, and he was thinking about what he had been thinking. The thing he was thinking about thinking was how Aziraphale and Crowley got to be free now, and how much he wanted that. There had been rumours that She didn't mind, and other more unbelievable ones that She encouraged it. He didn't think they were true, but at the same time, She hasn't ordered anything to be done about it. She also hasn't mentioned Gabriel's relationship with Beelzebub, even though it was a secret she would know, so maybe She didn't mind. Maybe, he thought, it helps Heaven and Hell unite to go against Earth. Now that was an interesting thought. Very interesting...

So idk there isn't really much of a point to this story, maybe I could do a second part. I already have other ideas for the next chapter though. Thank you so much for reading, if you send requests I'll be happy to do them 🙃
(Word count: 494)

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