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Hello. I am God.

I am not quite as strict as some religions have thought me to be, and do not expect humans to be perfect. Some mistakes they make are actually part of my plan, the great plan, the ineffable plan. I gave them free will after all, so I expect them to make mistakes. One of my mistakes is that I gave my angels free will, and some of them became demons which was not part of the plan but I pretend now that it was. It turned out okay anyway.

As I said, I gave my angels (and the demons) free will, and the problem with giving people free will is that they use it. I was not expecting angels and demons to be capable of relationships, but that is how they turned out. It has been part of my plan for a while now that one of the Principalities - Aziraphale, in case you know him - and a demon - Crowley - will 'get together' as you humans say it. By now, I have been setting them up for at least 5000 years, and they haven't taken on. They're friends, which at least got the world through Armageddon, but I was planning on them being more than friends.

Now that Armageddon is over, I am watching them closely. They are growing together more, but very slowly. It is not in my control, and that is part of the fun, but it is taking much longer than I expected. It is probably because of the pressure from Heaven and Hell, despite the fact that they are now both free from the head offices. My angels think that they are doing the right thing, they think they are doing what I want. They are a bit thick though, I will say. I write something down and they rely on it word for word.

Heaven is very strict, and an Archangel (Gabriel) has turned out rather differently than what I expected (and hoped). He is very mean to the lesser angels, and told Aziraphale off for knowing Crowley, which slowed down my plan a lot. He has no right to, he is 'with' Beelzebub, the Lord of Flies, from Hell. He thinks I don't know, which is amusing.

I was a bit shocked at first, when I happened to watch a meeting between them and saw more than even I probably should have. They were a very unlikely pair. I saw no point in being disappointed though, since it improves the relationship between Heaven and Hell. Now, I quite like the fact that they are together, since it makes Gabriel happier. Happier angels work better, although he has daydreamed about Beelzebub a lot during working hours.

Anyway, back to Aziraphale and Crowley. I don't see why they are not together yet, they both love each other, but they are both too scare to tell each other. I am rather looking forward to when they do eventually get together. Surely they must do at some point.

Aziraphale is currently in his bookshop, reading. It was actually for him that I prompted humans to make the concept of books and language, I knew he'd like them during his time on Earth. Crowley is in his Bently, on his way to the bookshop. I shall watch them to see if anything interesting happens. Goodbye.

Idk. Sorry for the slow update though.

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