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Crowley walked into the bookshop. He loved the bookshop because it was where Aziraphale was and he loved Aziraphale. The bell at the door tinkled above him, and he heard Aziraphale standing up from his desk.

"It's me angel." He called.

"Oh, hello Crowley." He greeted, coming from behind a shelf, with a book in his hand. He smiled a smile at him that was reserved for him and him only. Crowley liked how happy he made him, it was nice to make his love happy.

He smiled at the angel back, but only a small smile since his weren't usually as pleasant to look at. He looked around the shop, wondering what to do. He'd come to see his angel and to generally be around him, but now he wasn't sure what to do.

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you." Aziraphale said. "Well, not talk, exactly, but..." he trailed off. Crowley thought about it for a moment, but then decided it wasn't important, whatever he meant.

He walked through some shelves and sat down on the small sofa. He was quite shocked when the angel took off his shades whilst he moved downwards. He made confused eye contact with the angel.

"I told you, there's something I've been meaning to do with you." Aziraphale repeated slyly. The bookshop door locked.

Just a scenario you might want to think about 😏😏 I'm on page 73 of the book I'm writing and will still be busy for the next while so another apology for slow updates here but I thought I might do a separate ineffable bureaucracy story once I've done that about their history together and stuffs so would anyone read that? I'll say if I do it.

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