18 (IH)

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Crowley had his wings out, so did Aziraphale. They were sitting together in Crowley's flat, and perhaps they might've been just a little bit drunk. Not full on drunk, but a bit tipsy. They had recently come out to each other about their feelings, and were both relieved to hear that the other felt the same way, so they had decided to celebrate with a drink of 1960's wine.

A lot was happening that evening, a lot of good things that the demon and angel were rather enjoying, and amongst it all, they had let their wings materialise for extra comfort and openness. It wasn't much of a big deal to them, they were just wings, they'd never known what it was like not to have them either lingering in the background or fully there, but anyone who might've somehow seen them would notice the juxtaposition between angel wings and demon wings so close together without an outbreak of fighting or argument.

They would think it to be even stranger when the black wing touched the white. And when the white didn't even flinch. And when the owners of the wings moved closer together. And when the oppositions stared at each other, eye contact so concentrated and powerful that it didn't break when they surrounded their wings around one another.

Luckily, no one witnessed it. It was even luckier - perhaps even a miracle - that no one saw the two unearthly beings flying together against the black satin sky later that night.

Very short but I genuinely have no ideas so if anyone has any then please send some requests. Thx for reading it though (word count: 280)

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