44 (IH + IB)

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A/N if you didn't read chapter 3 then go back to it and read it otherwise this won't make sense

The circle was drawn in white chalk, surrounded by the dark damp basement. In the basement were 3 hooded figures, who had coincidentally started their cult again, and remembered what they had forgotten one dark night. They were amateurs back then, and had lost Crowley, now, they had learned things properly and were going to attempt another spell.

"Ready?" Hooded figure number one asked, who was otherwise known as Kerry. The other two, Josh and Violet, nodded. "Ok." She knelt down next to the circle and read from the old book she had in front of herself.

"We summon angels and demons,
We summon those who befriend one another,
We summon those who betray their roles,
We summon those so we may reveal them,
We summon those so we may fix them,
We summon those for the benefit of Heaven,
We summon those to punish Hell with their absence,
We summon." Kerry said seriously and solemnly.

"We summon." Josh and Violet simultaneously repeated behind her. This time, they had planned everything out, and done their research properly. They were also ready for angels and demons to appear. What they weren't ready for was to see some familiar faces.

4 unearthly beings appeared. Two of them (Beelzebub and Gabriel, although they didn't know that yet) fell onto the ground as if they had just been sitting by their desks. Aziraphale and Crowley just looked around suddenly, examining their new surroundings.

"Oh not you lot again." Crowley commented casually.

"Who the Heaven are you?!" The demon they didn't recognise shouted, standing up and rushing to the hooded figures. They suddenly stopped, as though they had bung into an invisible wall by the edges of the circle. "Fuck!" They shouted aggressively, rubbing their forehead where they had hit it. They walked back a bit to put some space between them and the edge of the chalked line, but kept the very threatening eye contact. "You are going to regret thizzz." They said slowly but menacingly, and buzzing.

Gabriel stood up and observed the people around him. He made awkward and confused eye contact with Aziraphale, before turning to the hooded figures. "Why am I here?" He said simply.

"They're known as the shitty teenage cult." Crowley mocked helpfully.

"Sounds about right." Beelzebub mumbled.

"We are not a shitty teenage cult, we're barely teenagers anymore." Kerry said.

"Why am I here?" Gabriel asked again, raising his voice. "I have work to do." He sounded annoyed, not threatened, which disappointed the cult.

"Me too." Beelzebub added. Aziraphale and Crowley joined them and looked down in a way that was hopefully intimidating to the cult, unfortunately though, Beelzebub wasn't looking down.

"We summoned you." Josh said. Violet and Kerry rolled their eyes.

"You're not meant to say that." Violet said.

"It's mind of obvious, but why us specifically?" Aziraphale asked, gesturing to the fairly random selection of the four in the circle.

"Traitors of Heaven and Hell." Kerry said carelessly.

"Then why are they here?" Crowley asked, nodding towards Beelzebub and Gabriel, who were the leaders of Hell and Heaven, and were not traitors to his knowledge.

Kerry shrugged, "we just summoned the traitors."

"Why?" Beelzebub asked, still threateningly.

"Trying to do Heaven and Hell a favour by revealing any traitors who showed up." Violet explained.

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