21 (IH)

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Aziraphale had just closed the bookshop, and decided to wander upstairs to read for a change. He sat down in an armchair and turned on the lamp next to it since it was quite a dark room and glanced about the room for a reason he did not know. He jumped out of shock when he saw the coiled up serpent in the corner of the room and wondered how he hadn't noticed it before. It was sleeping, so he didn't disturb his demon friend, but he couldn't work out when he had got there.

His reading was interrupted by quiet hisses every once in a while, and he found himself gazing at Crowley's perfect ebony scales. He was quite a big snake, but also quite a nice one. Well, of course he was, he could control how he looked, so why look anything else but perfect?

He carried on reading. Crowley's eyes opened lazily, and he hissed suddenly when he realised the angel was in the same room as him earning him a glance.

"Oh, you're awake." Aziraphale commented casually. Shit, Crowley thought, he hadn't planned on being found. He pretended not to care though and idly slithered over to his angel. He hissed quietly and climbed up the chair and wrapped himself around Aziraphale leaning his head on his lap and went back to sleep.

This was setting up a very embarrassing situation for whenever he might take back his human form. But right now, that didn't matter. Aziraphale just decided to let the demon be there because he quite liked the comfortable closeness.

Aziraphale read throughout the night, not wanting to move and disturb the sleeping snake. Crowley woke up at 11:30am, and looked up at the angel, who said

"Good morning Crowley," cheerily. He hissed as a hello and left his angel's lap, he then turned to human form.

"Morning." He said bluntly, blushing at what he had done the night before and regretting it completely.

"Crowley, why were you here? I obviously don't have a problem with it but..." he asked, curious.

Crowley shrugged, "dunno, I heard Beelzebub was on Earth so I decided to leave in case they tried to check in." He said, which, surprisingly enough, was the truth.

"Oh, that's funny, I heard Gabriel was in the area too," he said, "oh well, it was nice to see you."


"I quite like your snake form, you know." He tried to make conversation, and he did really love the black serpent. Crowley blushed a bit but said nothing. "It's quite cute when you hiss and stick out your tongue." Why was this angel still talking?! Crowley went redder and put on his sunglasses,

"Ngk." He said, unable to get words out, before he turned and left to stop Aziraphale from noticing his increasingly red face. Aziraphale just chuckled at how embarrassed he could make the demon.

Ok so this is short, sorry, but thx for reading. And no I can't stop adding hints of ineffable bureaucracy I just love it too much.

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