43 (IH)

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Crowley stumbled to his kitchen, to get another bottle of wine. He needed more alcohol, he didn't know why this time, nothing was particularly bad, he just got so nervous around Aziraphale.

"Ok angel," he called to the main room, once he'd found another few bottles in a cupboard, "more alcohol coming right up." He managed to keep himself upright whilst still moving his legs under him and going to the sofa. He collapsed onto the cushioned piece of furniture, nudging Aziraphale a bit before putting the bottles on the table.

He downed the last bit of his previous glass, while the slightly less drunk angel watched.

"Crowley, maybe we should stop drinking now." He suggested. The sentence seemed to have entirely missed the demon, who by this point was actually barely conscious. Aziraphale just sighed and took the bottle off his friend when he picked it up, leaving Crowley looking momentarily confused.

"Whyyy?" He slurred. Aziraphale just rolled his eyes at the snake. Instead, he started to get up, and took his coat off the armrest, hating the look of disappointment on Crowley's face. He didn't want to leave either but knew he should leave the drunken demon alone for a while. "Don't go" he said, getting up too, but falling back again onto the sofa again, completely unconscious.

Aziraphale sighed and rolled his eyes again. "Stupid demon." He muttered, before going to pick him up and putting him on his bed a few rooms away. He left the flat, hoping the demon would wake up at some point and remember to sober up.

It's short again but I needed to do some IH because I haven't done any in a while. Thanks for reading tho (word count: 292)

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