26 (IB kind of)

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A/N, this is over text so go with it.

Dagon: Hello prince
Beelzebub: Hi?
Beelzebub: no
Beelzebub: don't call me that
Dagon: why not?
Beelzebub: someone else calls me that
Dagon: who
Beelzebub: fuck off
Beelzebub: I mean that
Dagon: who
Beelzebub: a person
Dagon: human?
Beelzebub: what the fuck I haven't spoken to a human in at least a century
Dagon: why do they call you that?
Beelzebub: no reason
Dagon: then why can't I call you that?
Beelzebub: I don't want you to
Dagon: ...
Beelzebub: why are you texting me?
Beelzebub: you know I hate phones
Dagon: I was wondering where you are
Dagon: you're not in your office
Beelzebub: I'm on Earth
Dagon: I thought you said you hadn't spoken to a human in at least a century so why are you on Earth?

A few seconds pass

Dagon: ...so where are you?
Dagon: ?
Beelzebub: none of your fucking business
Dagon: I need to know
Beelzebub: why?
Dagon: because we're always meant to know where demons are if they aren't in Hell
Beelzebub: Yeah so I can know, I know where I am
Dagon: but it has to be seconded in case anything happens like if you don't come back
Beelzebub: I won't come back if you keep nagging
Beelzebub: fucking heaven calm down
Dagon: you're in Heaven?
Beelzebub: it's a figure of speech
Dagon: where are you then?
Beelzebub: wait a sec I'm busy
Dagon: Beelzebub!
Dagon: come back
Dagon: where the fuck are you?!
Dagon: say something
Dagon: for Satan's sake Beelzebub you can't just keep disappearing
Beelzebub: why not?
Dagon: good, you're back
Dagon: where are you?
Dagon: Beelzebub!
Dagon: Beelzebub!
Beelzebub: what
Dagon: where are you?
Beelzebub: secret
Dagon: ????!!?!?!
Beelzebub: can't tell
Dagon: why not it can't be that bad
Beelzebub: in a meeting
Dagon: that's a lie
Beelzebub: it was unscheduled
Dagon: so why couldn't you tell me?
Beelzebub: it's funny to wind you up
Dagon: I know that's a lie
Beelzebub: you're right it's actually hilarious
Dagon: fuck you
Beelzebub: no someone else is
Dagon: WHAT?!
Dagon: Beelzebub!
Dagon: who are you in a meeting with?!
Beelzebub: chill it's a joke
Dagon: ...
Beelzebub: hahahahahaha you're stupid
Dagon: who are you in a meeting with?
Beelzebub: someone
Dagon: are you in Heaven then?
Beelzebub: yes
Dagon: who are you meeting with then?
Dagon: if you don't say I'm ringing up Uriel to ask
Beelzebub: fuck then I'm with Gabriel
Dagon: why?
Beelzebub: meeting
Dagon: why wouldn't you tell me where you were then?
Beelzebub: I don't know
Dagon: whatever
Dagon: bye prince
Dagon: why not?
Beelzebub: I said why already
Dagon: who calls you it and why can't I?
Beelzebub: it's....
Dagon: what?
Dagon: is it a nickname?
Dagon: I bet it is
Beelzebub: why are you being so annoying today?
Dagon: so it is?
Dagon: who is it?
Beelzebub: fuck off I'm busy
Dagon: I thought you were with Gabriel
Beelzebub: ...so?
Dagon: no one listens to Gabriel

Another few seconds of Beelzebub not replying

Dagon: who calls you prince??
Beelzebub: someone now shut up
Dagon: why are you in a meeting with Gabriel
Beelzebub: just a meeting
Dagon: what about?
Beelzebub: why do you care
Dagon: just trying to keep you entertained, Gabriel is boring
Beelzebub: fuck off
Dagon: why you getting defensive?
Beelzebub: Gabriel isn't boring
Dagon: why are you offended?
Beelzebub: just fuck off
Dagon: why?

No answer

Dagon: Beelzebub?
Dagon: tell me why
Beelzebub: I'll tell you later
Dagon: no you won't
Beelzebub: you're right, I won't
Dagon: Beelzebub tell me
Beelzebub: tell you what?
Dagon: stop playing stupid
Beelzebub: you're stupid
Beelzebub: now fuck off
Dagon: why do you care about what I say about Gabriel?
Dagon: that's not what I said
Beelzebub: well shit
Dagon: ?????
Dagon: wait is he the one who gave you that nickname?
Beelzebub: fuck off that's none of your business
Dagon: he is isn't he
Beelzebub: why do you care?
Dagon: I don't
Dagon: but why do you care if I care?
Beelzebub: shut up
Dagon: wait I'm miracling myself there
Beelzebub: WAIT NO
Beelzebub: NO DON'T
Beelzebub: FUCK
Dagon: I was joking
Beelzebub: THANK SATAN
Dagon: why?
Beelzebub: ...
Dagon: ?
Dagon: you're texting me nothing else could be happening
Beelzebub: no but I don't want you here
Dagon: why?
Beelzebub: because I'm chilling I never get to chill
Dagon: chilling... with Gabriel
Beelzebub: shut up
Dagon: do I have a reason to then?
Dagon: are you admitting?
Dagon: whatever but that means you've admitted right?
Beelzebub: to what?
Dagon: ... you know what
Beelzebub: that I'm with Gabriel? Sure whatever
Dagon: wait
Dagon: you're with him?!
Dagon: I thought you were just friends
Beelzebub: oh shit
Dagon: I'm laughing now
Beelzebub: well done
Dagon: are you fucking serious??
Dagon: you being with Gabriel
Dagon: that's ridiculous
Dagon: hahahahaha
Beelzebub: fuck off
Beelzebub: I'm going now but don't tell a fucking soul
Dagon: whatever
Dagon: but you're never hearing the end of this from me
Beelzebub: ugh bye
Beelzebub: I'll be back down whenever I feel like it
Dagon: and I'll still be laughing

The end, maybe I'll do some IH in this style. Thx for reading (word count: 908)

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