36 (IH part 2)

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"GROW BETTER!" Crowley screamed, his plants straightening up even more. He hissed one last time before leaving the greenhouse at the back of the garden.

Aziraphale was sitting in a chair on the patio, reading a book. When Crowley approached him he looked up at the muddy demon who had a surprising love of gardening.
"You shouldn't shout at your plants you know." He said, before getting back to his book.

So... he had heard. "It makes them grow better." He defended himself weakly, shrugging. Aziraphale didn't give it a second thought. Crowley sat on the chair beside him, putting the plant mister down, "Have you heard anything from your side recently then?" He asked casually, even though they lived together now. Aziraphale frowned.

"No, why? Have you?" He asked, suddenly worrying that something was wrong. He knew something was bound to go wrong, he just knew they couldn't get away with living together. How had he been so stupid? He was probably going to fall or something now. He was such a stupid, gullible, soft angel.

"Oh, no, it's just that you said you doubted we'd be able to do this for even just a month before our sides found out and punished us somehow. Now it's been a month. So have you?" Crowley said his point, and Aziraphale was relieved that nothing bad was happening.

"Oh..." he sighed with the relief. "No, I haven't. Has it really been a month already?" He asked. Crowley nodded, grinning.

"Best month of my life, angel." He simply stated. Aziraphale smiled, pleased that the demon felt the same as him.

"Mine too." They smiled at each other. It was a perfect day, sunny, warm and perfect temperature, with perfect (but unlikely) love being shared.

It's really short but I can't think of any other way to continue this. Anyway please send some requests if you have any because I am stuck for ideas. Thx for reading though (word count: 330)

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