66 (IH)

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Azi: where are you?
Snek: hold on, are you texting me?!
Azi: yes
Azi: where are you?
Snek: I've been having a nap
Azi: for the last week?
Snek: yes and I'm very happy about it
Azi: well you could've told me at the very least
Snek: angel we've gone centuries without seeing each other before

*a few seconds pass*

Azi: I was worried, that's all
Snek: well thanks I guess

*another few seconds pass*

Azi: are you going back to sleep now?
Snek: I can come round if you want
Azi: you don't have to
Snek: I might as well now that I'm awake
Azi: ok
Snek: see you in 10 minutes
Azi: promise?
Snek: cough clingy cough
Azi; do be quiet dear
Snek: yes I promise
Azi: good

Idk I was wondering whether it was possible to make fluff over text. Also I only did the names like that bc I couldn't be bothered to type out their full names. (Word count:167)

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