14 - part 3

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I wake up, was that real? Must be, why would I dream of that. A note appears in mid air, and floats down to the floor. I go to pick it up, it says

Was that real?
From Gabriel.

Ugh, Gabriel. Must've been real then. I send a reply in the same way. It's 5:45 am, I decide to go and find Aziraphale, he'll be awake anyway.

I was right.
"Ah, Crowley," he says fondly, "what are you doing at this time?" I just shrug, pretending I am just bored. Should I tell him? Maybe.

For the next half hour I let him rant to me about how stupid Gabriel is, I will always welcome that. But this time, I must've not joined in as much a normal because he asked
"Crowley is something wrong?", I tell him no but he doesn't believe me. Stupid angel.

This is my chance to tell him. Should I tell him or not?

"Crowley you want to say something don't you?" I nod reluctantly, and instantly regret it because I don't want to tell him I was Raphael. I shake my head, hoping he didn't see the nod "What is it then?" Ugh, he did.

"It's nothing important angel, don't worry." I say, wondering if I can get off the hook. Aziraphale waits in silence, "er, just, I got called to meet with a few Archangels and former Archangels, um, God was there, said me and Gabriel didn't need to be forgiven and left."

"What?" Aziraphale asks. I donn't actually know either,
"I think She meant I didn't need to be forgiven for working with you, but I'm not sure what She meant about Gabriel." It's funny, when you think about it, how casual it sounds when you say it aloud.
"Hmm" Aziraphale offered. "I can't say I know anything either." Then something comes into my mind, what if She didn't just mean I didn't need forgiveness for saving the world with Aziraphale, maybe She meant more with Aziraphale. I feel an odd sensation, like someone were nodding, agreeing, telling me 'Yes! Yes! That's what I meant, go for it!' Strange, but is that sensation part of me, or another consciousness telling me?

I reach my arm to Aziraphale, and put my hand against my cheek, and it feels like the other consciousness is telling me to do it. It feels natural. Aziraphale doesn't pull away. He steps closer to me, so that our faces are almost touching. Then they touch. It is the best feeling I have ever felt.

Gabriel pov
Beelzebub arrived at his office, and he told them everything. He was happy. So were they. Apparently they didn't need forgiveness.

The last part is short, but I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading, and please point out any mistakes so I can fix them.

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