29 (IH)

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Crowley was asleep, happily wrapped around his angel, who was reading, and don't worry he was in his snake form. Every few seconds as he breathed he gently hissed, and Aziraphale would like to watch as the small tongue made an appearance and then disappeared, before showing itself again. He decided to run his hand tenderly down the cold blooded animal to stroke it, which made Crowley wake up.

He opened his eyes, revealing the fiery circles and pitch black slit pupils. He hissed again, but not aggressively, he liked waking up to see the angel. Aziraphale put his book down, and moved a little to be in a position where he could properly stroke the serpent. He handled it tenderly for a while, and if snakes could purr like a cat then he would've done.

After a few minutes of this comfortable peace, Crowley turned back to his human form without really meaning to. He'd lost concentration of any sort and also accidentally had his wings out. He quickly made them vanish, but kept in human form, still on Aziraphale's lap. The angel stopped for a few seconds, but carried on stroking by running his hands through his hair. Crowley decided to copy him, stroking through the angel's blonde/white curls.

He then lowered his hand to hold the angels cheek, before dropping it completely and moving himself to be sitting in a more comfortable position. He was now sideways on to Aziraphale, still sitting on him, with his arms wrapped around his neck. They then leaned in to start kissing and stayed in that position for ages, enjoying each other's company and the fact they weren't dead. Armageddon't had failed, and now they were left alone. They were free.

It's a bit weird (and short), but whatever you say you probably like it so I did it. I'm not the best at fluff though, anyway thx for reading and thx so much to a couple of people who have voted for some of my previous chapters. (Word count: 343)

Edit: I'm working on part 30 but it's a bit longer and I need to revise my French for a test tomorrow. Don't worry I'll try and find time to finish it and post it tomorrow.

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