27 (IH)

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Crowley: how you getting on with the phone?
Aziraphale: it's a bit... I'll get used to it
Crowley: yeah
Aziraphale: I prefer talking the traditional way
Crowley: me too but that would mean we'd have to stop talking when I leave
Aziraphale: then you shouldn't leave
Crowley: I'll come back tomorrow
Crowley: besides you could always come to mine
Aziraphale: I don't want to leave my books
Crowley: honestly angel they don't have a consciousness
Aziraphale: neither do your plants
Crowley: I give them consciousness so they know to grow better
Aziraphale: ...
Crowley: what?
Aziraphale: you just hissed at them didn't you?
Crowley: ...
Crowley: maybe
Aziraphale: ?
Crowley: how the fuck did you know that.
Aziraphale: I know what you're like
Crowley: ugh
Crowley: I'm going to bed
Aziraphale: why? You don't have to sleep
Crowley: I like it, you should try it some time
Aziraphale: I did try it once
Crowley: really? When?
Aziraphale: it must've been a few centuries ago by now
Crowley: did you like it?
Aziraphale: I couldn't actually get to sleep, it was quite dull
Crowley: I just rolled my eyes in case you didn't work it out
Aziraphale: I thought you might have done
Crowley: you should try sleeping again.
Aziraphale: nah, being awake is interesting enough for me
Crowley: I'm serious
Crowley: come over to mine because you don't have a bed
Aziraphale: um, ok?

Aziraphale miracled himself to Crowley's flat
"Why did you want me to come here?" Aziraphale asked, confused. He had put himself in Crowley's living room, to find himself alone. The angel looked around and walked to another room looking for Crowley.

"Through here." The familiar voice called, and Aziraphale went in to find Crowley already lying in bed, but leaned up against a pillow and part of the bed frame. Aziraphale just stood straight and politely, with his hands together, waiting to be told why he was here. Crowley just gestured his hands over the empty half of the double bed.

"What is it?" The angel asked, although he already knew.

"Have a go at sleeping" Crowley simply stated, before sinking down so he was fully lying, before turning away to go to sleep himself. Aziraphale just found himself perching on the edge of the bed, after turning the light off. "How do you expect to be able to sleep in that position?" He heard Crowley mumble after a few minutes of cosy silence.

"Dunno." Aziraphale shrugged. Crowley sensed the uncomfortable-ness, so he turned towards his angel, and sat up, pulling the angel into a hug from behind. He then lay back down bringing Aziraphale with him. Aziraphale managed to move his legs onto the bed properly and soon found himself sleeping with the demon's arms wrapped around him.

Crowley was right; sleeping wasn't that bad, and it was even better in this type of position.

I know it's short but I'm meant to be doing french revision. I like the texting thing so I might end up doing that more. (Word count: 508)

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