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Beelzebub's phone ringed, and they sat watching it. They knew that it would ring 10 times before it automatically stopped. It ringed for the 4th time... 5th... 6th... 7th... 8th... 9th... they picked up. What kind of demon would they be if they didn't make people wait?

"er... Bee?" They heard Gabriel's worried voice on the other end of the line.

"Yeah?" They replied, not being as short as they normally would be because... well, it was Gabriel.

"Can you come up here please?" He asked.

"Sure," they said, before hanging up and teleporting up to his office in Heaven. "What the fuck are you doing?" They asked, immediately. Gabriel was standing on his large desk chair, looking like it was his only hope of life in a flood.

"I'm the Archangel fucking Gabriel I can do I like." He ranted shortly.

"Where's the spider?" Beelzebub asked sarcastically, rolling their eyes.

"Standing on a chair doesn't necessarily mean there's a spider... although there does just so happen to be one in that corner and if you were to get rid of it I might be grateful." He said, pointing to one of the corners.

"Wimp." Beelzebub said, before picking up the tiny spider with their bare hands. They caught Gabriel staring at it worriedly, and pretended to throw it at him, and they chuckled when he flinched. They teleported to Hell and let it loose in Hastur's office, before retreating back to Gabriel's, giving him a brief kiss, and going back to their own to get on with their work.

I saw some fanart somewhere so I made this. It's a bit dull and quite short but I am still writing that book. In case you're interested, I'm on page 25, at 7000 words. (The quality of writing us better than these oneshots and I'm not posting it on Wattpad sorry.)

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