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Santana Jordan Michaels
Monday 18th October 2020
9:00 am| Bexleyheath

Santana Jordan Michaels Monday 18th October 20209:00 am| Bexleyheath====================================

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I can't lie I'm bare vexed. I can feel my leg shaking as I sit on this bench. How you telling me mandem is thinking it's okay to be putting hands on my little sister. Are they fucking dumb? Zyir was right next to me making calls on his phone he was vexed as well. He was walking up and down and you could tell by the vicious look on his face that he didn't want to be messed with at this moment. I knew for a fact he was gonna help me dead this idiot boy.

I grabbed my phone getting ready to call my older brother, Santonio. He was on road as well so he knew how to help me find this boy and dead him without leaving any type of traces.

"Yo little bro, you good yh?

"Nah man, I need you to come pick me up from welling still. We got a problem on our hands"

"What the fuck happened now, bro?"

"Sav is in trouble you know!"

"What she do now? Is she hurt?"

"She ain't do nothing though but yh she is hurt some boy who we saw a couple of days ago put hands on her."


After a short five minutes, I saw an all blacked out Mercedes Benz C-Class Coupé speeding down the streets with some random drill song blaring out, I hopped into the front with Zyir hopping into the back spudding Santonio. The car ride to Bexleyheath wasn't that long from Welling so we made it there quickly with no complications.

Once we touched in Bexleyheath, I hopped out about to call Amira for their whereabouts but ended up running up to TK Max where I could see Amira and Savannah. As soon as I saw, Savannah I grabbed her face checking out the cut. I can't lie it wasn't as bad as imagined but there was still bare blood running down her face. Blood or no blood what that boy did wasn't fucking right. So I was gonna make him shed some of his own blood.

"Santana please don't do anything drastic." making a screw appear onto my face but before I could say anything back to her Santonio jumped into the conversation.

"What the fuck do you mean don't do anything drastic. Are you dumb? Did you hit your head too hard? If we let this one slide the rest of the mandem is gonna think it's okay to touch you," he spat out "Do you want that? Do you want the rest of the mandem to be hitting on you whenever they feel like it." she shook her head no with tears in her eyes.

"That's what I fucking thought. So stop chatting shit. I'm gonna take you and Amira home, yh? then I'm gonna ring your school telling them you won't be coming in today and for the rest of the week."

"Yh mum and dad won't be home anyways they're at work so we can deal with them later," I said butting in. "Sav, I have one question for you what school does he go to?"

"Umm, I think he goes to Meadview Academy."

"Say nothing, let's go!"

She just nods in return then looks over at Zyir. I signal to Santonio and Amira that we should go and leave them to have their space for a couple of minutes.

Savannah Krystal Michaels

I wasn't really listening to what they were saying to me for that whole time. I was still in a state of shock from what had just happened not that long ago. Did man really hit me cause he got rejected? It couldn't have just been that, could it? I felt like there was more to this situation.

I looked over at Zyir as I could feel his stare on me, his eyes were lingering onto the cut on my cheek, but as soon as we made eye contact he looked away. I could tell from his body language that he was angry. His fists were clenched, brows furrowed, his shoulders were tense and his jaw was also clenched but his face was stoic. I could tell he wanted to come and hug me but one he would probably end up inflicting more pain on me and second Santonio was here and he didn't know about us yet and he most likely wouldn't take this very easily. I saw that the others had left probably to the car park. So before I dragged Zyir with me to the car park, I quickly slipped my arms around him resulting in he hugging me back.

We made our way to the car park so we could go home. In the car, I sat next to Zyir laying my head on his shoulder with slight hesitation he gently began to lay his head on top of mine. I grabbed his hand playing with his fingers, which were surprisingly nice and clean hoping it creates for me a slight distraction.

He whispered in my ear. "I'm gonna make sure that the idiot boy is dealt with. I promise he'll never be able to hurt you again." I nodded my head in response, with a slight smile gracing my face. I could see Santonio looking at us through the mirror but I mouth to him a quick later letting him know I would tell him more about it later on.

The car ride was only 10 minutes but it felt like it was way longer. The whole car filled with tension, no one had said a word the whole journey. Not even Santana who you could never normally get to shut up. You could almost see the anger radiating off all of them. I entered the house first seeing that there was no one here. Straight away, I made my way to the bathroom to clean up my cuts with Amira following behind.

I sat up on the bathroom counter whilst she grabbed the first-aid box.

"Where have the boys gone?"

"They've gone to get the rest of the mandem to see how they're gonna sort this out." I just nodded back in response to her not really feeling like talking to anyone. I think she noticed as she didn't really say anything back and continued to help me clean up my cuts.

Once Amira had finally finished helping me clean up all my cuts and bandaging them up, she left the bathroom after I thanked her, most likely going to the kitchen to raid the fridge. Whilst I stayed in the bathroom hopping into the shower making a personal reminder in my head to remember to be mindful of my cuts.

Once I had done cleaning myself up I made my way up to my room making sure I grabbed some vaseline to rub all over my little cuts and scratches that had been scattered all over my body. After doing that, I slipped into my pyjamas and headed straight to my bed not wanting to be bothered for the rest of the day.

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