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Zyir Amare Daniels
Saturday 8th January 2020
8:30 pm |Woolwich

Zyir Amare DanielsSaturday 8th January 20208:30 pm |Woolwich

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We all had finally reached Wooly. On our trip here, we stopped by the warehouse where we kept all our weapons, somewhere the feds would never find them. A message had been sent to BPG but we had received no response so there could be a small chance they weren't here. We were now standing outside the meeting place.

"You man are you ready? Some shit is deffo gonna go down tonight!" Menace said.

"We're all ready man they deserve this shit. They've been talking all this bs on socials and they've been putting hands on our famo!"AP said

"Word. You know how many times we've fought these man. They didn't learn their lesson the first time so we'll make sure they learn now." he continued

"Yo mandem remember this, someone will come out of this shit dead. It's gonna be either one of us that dies or it's one of them and I'm praying to God it's not us. You man know what you need to do." Triggs inputted

"Yh man, Fuck all that nice shit. We need to come out of this shit safe. This is not the first time and it won't be the last time this will happen. So enough of the convo let's get this shit over and done with."

I kicked the large door down making a big bang echo throughout the whole building. We all rushed into the warehouse. The same warehouse we had got bagged in a month earlier. They were all in there, waiting like they were expecting us to be here. Santana had headed straight to LK who was now almost unrecognisable, he wasn't even putting up a fight anymore. He had blood leaking from everywhere creating a pool around him. The others had already got to fighting but I was only here for one person. I quickly scanned the room until my eyes landed on Dsav. He had that disgusting smirk on his face, getting me vexed.

I grabbed him pushing him onto the floor. Without giving him any time to recover from the impact of his fall, I sent punches to his face. Weakly, he tried pulling me down, so I could reach his level. He sent one punch to my jaw and attempted to throw another much to my abdomen. I sent a kick to his head making him fall back. I didn't stop throwing punches until I saw blood leaking from his face and a big gash on the top of his head. He was slowly going in and out of conscious. I pulled the Rambo that I hid in my jacket out and stabbed him three times.

One in his stomach

One in his thigh

And the last one in his chest

I stepped back watching the blood pouring out of his body onto the floor. He was now choking on his own blood. I was covered in blood. Luckily none of it was mine. I watched as his eyes fell back into his head and the colour had drained from his skin.

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