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Zyir Amare Daniels
"Marko or Z1"
Sunday 31st October 2020

Zyir Amare Daniels"Marko or Z1"Sunday 31st October 202010:00am|Welling====================================

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I had been woken up by the feeling of my little brother Zakariah throwing light punches at my chest. All of a sudden he had stopped, I opened one eye checking to see if he had left. Unfortunately, he was staring deeply at me from the end of the bed. Moving bare weird. Once he realised I was awake, he climbed back onto me jumping on me and hitting me again. I huffed forcing myself to get up. I picked him up and dropped him back onto the bed tickling him until he gave up.

"Stop! Stop! I can't breathe! Zyyyy!" he said in the middle of his small giggles.

"Mhm! Say you're sorry!" I said tickling him harder.

"No wayyy!"

"Then I'm not stopping!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry." he said making me stop.

"You're ugly anyway," he said running out of my room.

My phone started to ring bare loud just before I went running after him. I looked over to see it was a FaceTime call from 'wife😍'. I picked it up answering the call. I looked at the screen seeing Savannah with a big smile on her face. I swear she had the prettiest smile bro. My baby is so leng.

"Hey princess!"

"Hey babe!" she said whilst her smile got bigger. I didn't think it could get bigger than what it already was.

"Bubby, who are you talking to?" I heard Zakariah say making me look down. I picked him and let him look into the camera.

"Bubby she's pretty. Is that your lady friend?" he said making Savannah coo at him.

"Yeah, she is. You like her?" I asked him. He nodded his head quickly.

"Yeah, do you?"

"Of course I do. I like her a lot." I looked back int the camera to see Savannah blushing.

"Aww, he's so cute! I want to meet him."

"Then come over!" I said shrugging.

"But your family is gonna be there."

"And? I've met yours . And if we're gonna be in a relationship you need to meet my fam." I said nonchalantly.

"You're right! Fine, I'll come over. Send me the address." She said getting up from what looked like her bed.

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