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Savannah Krystal Micheals
Saturday 23rd October 2020

Savannah Krystal MichealsSaturday 23rd October 202012:00pm|Woolwich ====================================

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(ps. this is a very hectic chapter and seperatley i think you guys should follow me on insta @26toriii
, thank you❤️)

Today Amira and I had decided to link up with Paris to sort out whatever type of beef we had going on between us because I just wanted all my friends back together again.

We had just gotten off the 301 in Woolwich and we made our way to KFC as it was ever really busy and there wouldn't be many people there to be listening in on our conversation.

As we got nearer, I saw Paris talking to some boy but he looked very tall and muscly he seemed very familiar but he seemed to be walking with a slight limp. I had seen Paris look up at us and when we made eye contact she quickly shooed the boy off making me become very suspicious of her very quickly but I decided that I would let it go just for now. I looked at Amira to see if she had seen what I had seen and I could tell by the look on her face that she had.

When we had finally all come together, she gave us both quick hugs and after what I had just seen I was very cautious of her so all I did was part her back and she looked at me weirdly before walking inside the shop. Before we decided to talk, we all got ourselves some food as I was hungry like always. Once we got all of our food, we sat down on a table upstairs nearer the corner. It was very awkward which was weird to me as we all used to be so close so I don't understand how it had all changed. We all looked around waiting for someone to start this conversation.

I guess Amira got tired of it as she huffed and just busts out saying "What has been going on with you, you've been moving differently and frankly we don't like it." making me look at Paris as she gasped as if she was offended for some reason.

"Nothing is going on with me, I should be asking you guys the exact same thing."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I butted in

"Always having link ups behind my back, and I've heard you've been talking about me behind my back too, which is weird as I've never done that to you." Okay, so I see we telling lies now huh.

"Why the fuck would we do that we're all supposed to be sisters. We don't switch upon each other. I think you need to go get your sources checked cause clearly they're lying to you"

"And see you've always got an attitude tf. Well, it's too late to even try and fix our little friendship or whatever, I've already found people that I actually trust."

"First of all, how do you not expect me to have an attitude when you're chatting all this shit. And what you're telling me is that you're worried about us doing things behind your back but you already have a whole new friendship group, tf"

"Yep I do have a whole new friendship group and at least they're not filled with snakes at least they don't be stealing people's man"

"You're the only fucking snake here and who the fuck stole your man?" I said scrunching up my face.

"You," she said pointing into Amira's face. I pushed her hand down as she was straying to get disrespectful.

"What do you mean? Are you talking about Santana? Santana was never your man sis."  Amira said in confusion.

"Yh keep telling yourself that. That's why I'm pregnant with his fucking baby," she said with a smirk on her face. I unintentionally gasped. It all fucking made sense now. That's what the message between him and Paris meant and that's why Santana didn't want to tell me. He didn't want me to know he got Paris pregnant. That fucking dickhead, when I see him he's dead. But what I don't understand is why the fuck is she happy, she's only year ten and already got herself pregnant.

I looked over at Amira to see she had a look of disbelief on her face. She looked heartbroken and she was trying to stop her tears from falling. My heart broke for her. She really loved him.  I was shocked that my own brother would do something like that. I looked over at Paris to see she had just disappeared making me shocked. I leaned over and hugged Amira hard making her break out into a sob. I just let her cry into my shoulder rubbing her back, whilst rocking us back and forth until her cries gradually calmed down.

"Come on let's go, babe, I've called a cab for the both of us." I didn't know if it was right to take her to my house as Santana may be there but I couldn't leave her by herself and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even be in right now.

Once we had finally made it to my house I quickly went upstairs to my room with Amira so nobody would ask us any questions as I knew she wasn't up for it. I let her lay down in my bed and decided I would talk to her about it later. I turned off the light leaving out of my room to give her some space and I grabbed my phone immediately calling Santana and he answered the phone after a few rings. However, he seemed to be around a lot of people as there was so much noise in the background.

"Santana, I don't want to shout at you but if you lie to me once I ask you this question, I promise you after this conversation we are never communicating again." I was met with silence letting me know his dumbass just nodded as if I could see him.

"Now what did that message between you and Paris mean." He huffed knowing I was serious and I could tell he moved from the area he was in as all the background noise had gone

"She was trying to tell me she's pregnant and I wasn't having it and I didn't want to tell you in case she was lying."

"Well unluckily for you she's already told me and not only has she told me, but she's also told Amira."

"Wait what? For fucks sake man. What did she say?"

"She didn't say anything she burst out into tears. I've never seen her that upset before she's broken man. I have one question, did you fuck her whilst you were with Amira?"

"No fuck no. Mums life I didn't it was an accident I swear man. Fuck man she's gonna leave me. She can't leave me Sav she can't.I need her man. You know what I'm coming home now."

"Hey calm down, don't come yet she needs her space she's not gonna want to see you right now. You're lucky I believe you and I'll try my best to help you but right now you need to just give her the space she needs okay."

"Okay thank you so much, I love you sis."

"I love you too bro, just try and keep yourself sane, okay?

"Okay, bye?" I hung up the phone and sighed sliding down against my bedroom door and putting my head into my arms. What the fuck are we going to do now?

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