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Savannah Krystal Michaels
Saturday 23rd October 2020

Savannah Krystal Michaels Saturday 23rd October 20207:00pm|Crayford====================================

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Amira had been asleep for the last few hours and me being the nice person I am, I left her alone. I was currently rewatching How to get away with murder on Netflix, whilst going on Snapchat watching all these different people's stories. Unfortunately, my peace was rudely interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. I paused my show and got up from my comfortable spot on the sofa in the living room making my way to the door. I looked through the peephole to see it was Zyir and Santana. Dumbass probably forgot to take his keys.

I opened it up for them just for Santana to just push past me making his way to the living room without saying any type of greeting making me kiss my teeth at him. I looked over at Zyir, going into his arms that were already out and open for me. I laid my head on his chest as he placed a kiss on my forehead, making my heart warm up.

After a couple of minutes, I finally let him go heading to the living room. As soon as I walked in, Santana looked up at me.

"Where's Amira?" I screwed him as I wasn't appreciating his rudeness towards me.

"Oh hi Savannah, how are you doing today?" I said mockingly. He sighed getting up coming towards me to give me hug. I accepted his hug and rubbed his back as I knew he was going through it at the moment.
"Hey Sav, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, she's upstairs I don't know if she's awake yet."

"Cool, thank you!" he said making his way upstairs to my bedroom. I took a seat next to Zyir leaning my head on top of his shoulder making him lay his head on top of mine. I couldn't help but wonder if he had known all this time.

"Zyir, Can I ask you a question?" I said glancing up at him.

"You just did," he said all up in his phone. I guess he could feel my screw on him so he burst out laughing. "I'm joking, I'm joking what do you want to know?"

"Did you know that Paris and Santana had fucked. And that he had got her pregnant?"

"I knew they fucked but I ain't know my nigga was stupid enough to get her pregnant," he said shaking his head. "Anyways they fucked a couple of months ago so I don't understand why she only said something now when she could've told him time ago." I nodded my head in agreement and when back to watching my show.

Santana Jordan Michaels
Saturday 23rd October 2020

Santana Jordan Michaels Saturday 23rd October 20207:10pm|Crayford

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I made my way up the long stairs to Savannah's bedroom. I opened up her door to see that it was bare dark in there and the only light that was present was the little bit of sunlight left coming through the crack in the blinds and the light on Amira's phone.

Amira was laid out on the bed with the covers pulled over her. Her hair was up in a cute little messy bun and it looked like she had no makeup on. I got on the bed and laid next to her. In result of this, she jumped from my sudden appearance and when she clocked it was me she rolled her eyes and turned over.

"Baby talk to me" I whispered in her ear wrapping my arm around her pulling her closer to me. She tried to pull away from me but I made my grip on her tighter.

"Santana leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now," she said still trying to pull away from me.

"No baby. I want to talk to you. I need you to hear me out." she said finally giving up as she knew she wouldn't be able to get out of my grip.

"Hurry up, I'm giving you two minutes," she said staring a timer on her phone.

"Me and Paris only tucked a couple of months ago way before we even started talking. I don't think that baby is even mine she sleeps around with bare man that could be anyone's baby in her stomach. I promise I didn't cheat on you if that was what you were thinking." I said placing a kiss on her forehead knowing she loved them.

"I don't care. Yes, I'm happy you didn't cheat on me. But why couldn't you tell me when you first found out. Cause she embarrassed me you know I felt stupid as fuck in front of her when she told me that shit. Even if it's not true I expected it to come from you, not her." she said sighing

"I get that baby I really do. But I didn't tell you cause I didn't want to tell you and it turns out to not be my baby."

"But this whole situation would have been avoided right now."

"I know babe but I just need you to forgive me. I hate it when you're mad at me."

"I forgive you. But I think we need a break."

"What the fuck do you mean a break?" I said sitting up abruptly

"Like I said we need a break. We need some time apart so you can fix whatever is going on between you and Paris"

"There is nothing going on with me and her."

"That's why she's fucking pregnant isn't it."

"For fucks sake did you not hear what I said. I-"

"I heard what you fucking said but you need to go and pattern your little hoe cause I can't be in a relationship with you right now. I wouldn't be able to do it wondering if that's even your baby or not."

"What happened to you always riding for me," I said gradually getting louder.

"We don't have to be in a relationship for me to ride for you. I will always help you but this time from the sidelines. It's not like we're gonna break up forever."

"Whatever man. Do what you want?" I said getting up leaving out the room.

"Santana man! I didn't say we're breaking up. We just need a break just for now. And you don't have a right to be mad!" I ignored her walking out of the room.

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