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Santana Jordan Michaels
Saturday 23rd October 2020

Santana Jordan Michaels Saturday 23rd October 202012:00pm|Westfield====================================

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The mandem and I had decided that we should all link up in Westfield today. We have all been at our yards all week trying to lay low after that stupid situation that happened on Monday with that tapped donny. That shit should've never had even happened  in the first place but it's over for now.

We had just left out of the train station and entered Westfield, where there was already bare people. There were people filming public youtube videos like usual and those pastors shouting for no absolute reason even though they should have clocked by now that no one actually listens to them.

Honestly, i only came down here to Westfield cause i was trying to get some more drip for me and some new drip for Amira. Cause you already know i can't be all dripped out and my baby isn't. My baby needs to be able to match my fly.

I knew her and Savannah were going out today to go meet up with Paris, which gave me a really bad feeling about today cause Paris just gave off bad vibes. I have never really liked her.

Paris has recently been hitting up my phone talking about she's fucking pregnant with my baby. She's fucked way too many people so that baby could belong to anyone. Can i just say she's absolutely done out here. We haven't fucked since a few months ago. May i say that this was way before i even started to pursue Amira and it weren't like we were doing up a serious ting she was just a quick beat and delete like the rest of them. We had all went inside to go our separate ways to our different shops. Me and Zyir had cut from the group as we were trying to get to Selfridges so i could get some new shoes.

We had made our way into the shop going straight to where the Balenciaga section was. I picked up the all black Balenciaga Speed Runners for me and Amira. I went over to the shop assistant asking for the shoes.

"Hey could i get a Size 9 in men and Size 5 in women please?"

"Yh sure i will be back soon."

I turned around to face Zyir to see he was deep in his phone. I was just about to say something to him but I was interrupted when I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. I picked it up to see i was receiving a phone call from Savannah, which was weird as she was supposed to be with her little friends.

"Santana, I don't want to shout at you but if you lie to me once I ask you this question, I promise you after this conversation we are never communicating again." damn she didn't even give me a hello or nothing how mother fucking rude of her. I just nodded my head forgetting that she couldn't see me.

"Now what did that message between you and Paris mean." i huffed knowing that she was serious and i didn't have a choice but to answer the question.

I moved from the area that were were in to around the corner as the people around us were making bare noise. I really didn't want to answer this question because i knew she would make a big deal out of nothing.

"She was trying to tell me she's pregnant and I wasn't having it and I didn't want to tell you in case she was lying."

"Well unluckily for you she's already told me and not only has she told me, but she's also told Amira." My heart dropped to my stomach, as soon as those words left her mouth. Why the fuck would that dumb bitch do that? I don't even think that fucking baby is mine the amount of mandem that has run through her.

"Wait what? For fucks sake man. What did she say?"

"She didn't say anything she burst out into tears. I've never seen her that upset before she's broken man. I have one question, did you fuck her whilst you were with Amira?" i sighed, how was i gonna fix this? i made her fucking cry and that girl hates crying. I've never seen her cry before.

"No fuck no. Mums life I didn't it was an accident I swear man. Fuck man she's gonna leave me. She can't leave me Sav she can't.I need her man. You know what I'm coming home now." I couldn't lose my baby. I started searching my pockets making sure i had everything on me getting ready to head back to the train station so i could cut and go home. As i knew Amira would be there.

"Hey calm down, don't come yet she needs her space she's not gonna want to see you right now. You're lucky I believe you and I'll try my best to help you but right now you need to just give her the space she needs okay."

"Okay thank you so much, I love you sis."

"I love you too bro, just try and keep yourself sane, okay?

"Okay, bye?" I hung up the phone and sighed putting my head into my arms. How the fuck was i going to fix this? I couldn't lose this girl man especially not over no dumb bitch. This is why i hate fucking with youngers bro. How the fuck is this yatt trying to claim that my baby is in her fucking stomach?

I didn't even feel like being here anymore but i decided to stay like Savannah told me. I grabbed Zyir and we made our way to Nando's.

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