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Savannah Krystal Michaels
Saturday 8th January 2020

It had been a week since the fight that had happened between SEB and BPG

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It had been a week since the fight that had happened between SEB and BPG. Let's just say this past week had been bare hectic. There had been more minor fights between the two groups meaning the boys were always out running the streets. People had been instigating on socials and other minor gangs had been trying to join in on the beef. Making it bigger than it had to be.

Today, Amira and I decided to come out of the house for once. We somehow found ourselves at my cousin Destiny's yard. I bagged on the door then stepped back waiting for someone to come down and open the door. Finally, my aunt had come to the door.

"Savvy, Amira my babies, how've you been?"

"I've been good. How about you?" we both said as we walked in through the door.

"Err, I've been calm innit." I shook my head at her. Shes always trynna speak like she's not a big 30 year old.

"Aunty, I thought we talked about this!"

"Shut Sav, You just wish you were like me."

"Yh whatever! Well, we're going upstairs!" I said as we both took off our shoes and placed them on the rack that resides by the front door.

"Ok cool, just shout if you need anything my likkle bredrin." I quickly looked at her silently judging her.

"Oh no! Don't ever say that again," I said making her push me towards the stairs and Amira bust out laughing.

"Get out my face! I'm tired of you little yutes." She whispered as I made my way up the stairs snickering to myself. The first door at the top of the stairs was Destiny's. It was already wide open so we just walked in. Destiny looked at us through her vanity mirror as she put her curling iron down and stood up giving us both a hug.

"My jiggas! How have you man been? I haven't talked to you a lot since my party."

"I've been good still. And sorry about that, some shit had gone down and I had to leave."

"It's calm babes don't stress it. What have you man been doing anyway?"

"We haven't done shit lately, just focusing on school and dat," Amira said.

"You man need to go out more all you do is stay home. I've got bare parties we could be going to."

"Ok Miss Baitface! But you don't have to attend every motive yuno. It won't harm you to miss at least one."

"Yhyh, just sound like a bunch of waffle." She said making me kiss my teeth.

"Whatever, what we doing now anyway?"

"I don't even know. Let's just chill, we can cut later." I nodded my head and fell back onto her bed as Destiny continued to curl her wig. 

"Let's play some music!" Amira said heading towards the speaker in the corner of the room.

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