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Savannah Krystal Michaels
Monday 25th October 2020
7:30 am|Crayford

Savannah Krystal Michaels Monday 25th October 20207:30 am|Crayford====================================

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Unfortunately, I had been woken up from my leng sleep by my alarm that seemed to still be going off. I was having a great dream until I was rudely interrupted. I had a dream that I was laying on a beach with Michael B. Jordan laying next to me and I might just try and fall back asleep so I can continue on with my dream. But before I could even think of laying back down Santana had decided to come barging into my room. I screwed him because first of all he wasn't invited in here and second of all I don't rate him at this very moment.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I thought we were bredrins," he said smirking at me. Well, I'm glad he finds the situation so amusing but he wouldn't be smiling if he realised what he had put Amira through. But he's not ready for that conversation.

"Get out!" I said simply.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong of the bed this morning," he mumbled leaving my bedroom.

I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone finally turning off this jarring alarm and texted Amira. I hadn't spoken to her since that incident on Saturday because I knew that she needed her space so I wanted to give that to her.

hey sissy

hey bae, how are you?

I'm good my love, you?

I'm still not all the way there but I'm doing better

it's gonna be a long process but you'll get through it and I'll always be by your side💕

thank you so much
it really does mean a lot
are you coming into school today?

yh I am
it feels like it's been bare time
but it's getting boring staying at home

I need to cut so I can get ready
I'll chat to you later love


I sighed putting my phone down realising I had to start getting ready for school. It had been a whole week since that stupid incident happened. So, unfortunately, it was time for me to go back. In all honesty, I really don't want to go. I'm really dreading this day. I don't want to say I'm scared but I can't lie I am scared. That shit was lowkey traumatising but it is about time I get over it. I just have to keep on going and not let this stop me.

I got up leaving the comfort of my bed. I got out my school uniform laying it all out on my bed, knowing I would probably be in the shower for too long so it was better for me to lay it out now. I made it out of my bedroom bumping into Santana on the way. I know he doesn't know much about Amira's mental state but it still pisses me off that he doesn't realise how his actions are affecting her mentally and until he fixes his mistakes I will not be speaking to him.

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