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Zyir Amare Daniels
Tuesday 19th October 2020
3:30 pm |Welling

Zyir Amare DanielsTuesday 19th October 20203:30 pm |Welling====================================

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I had just left through the school gates by myself. It was bare boring due to most of my niggas not even coming into school. Which was dumb especially after what had happened yesterday. If jakes were to find out about the incident that took place wouldn't they all look bare sus. But luckily for me, I'm smarter than them. I've never been caught and I definitely don't plan for it to start now.

I had remembered that I told Sav that I would shout her after school once I had left so instead of just calling her I decided to cut to her yard so I could spend time with her instead cause I've missed hanging out with my baby. I made my way to the bus stop so I could hop on the 96.

Once the bus had finally come, I tapped my oyster on the card reader going straight upstairs, which was just full of people from my school and a few from other schools. I sat down closer to the front as I didn't want to socialise with any of the people I knew. I popped in my AirPods trying to block out the noise from around me however I was interrupted when I felt a tap on my shoulder making me huff and roll my eyes. I saw that it was fucking Renee.

What does this girl not understand about leaving me alone or is she just fucking tapped?

"What so you're just gonna fucking air me?" I looked her up and down kissing my teeth at her.

"HELLOOO!" now she was bringing attention towards us and that was one thing I hated.

"What the fuck do you want man, just fuck off!" I said screwing her.

"Are you acting like that because of that Savannah girl, I don't know why you like her. You already know my pussy is more fire than hers," she said making me scrunch up my face. I don't know why the fuck she's lying in front of all these people but I'm not gonna let her get away with it.

"Babes I hate to break it to you but I think that's just stage 1 chlamydia," I said trying my best not laugh in her face.

Bare people had started laughing and shouting 'Rah' on the bus. People were even jumping around on the damn bus. How fucking ghetto! Renee had already run off in embarrassment for the second time. I done told that girl to leave me alone but she didn't want to listen so that's what she gets. It's about time she learnt her lesson.

Apart from that little incident, the rest of the bus journey had went fast and I had finally reached Sav's yard, so I got off the bus but decided to go to the nearest corner shop to get some drinks for the both of us. I got myself an Ocean Blue Lemonade Calypso whilst I got her the Tropical Lucozade and a can of red bull since she loves off of them. After I had cut from the corner shop, I made my way to her door texting her letting her know that I was outside.

A couple of minutes after, she came down and opened the door for me and can I just say my baby was looking beautiful with her big ass curls framing her face and her beautiful smile graced her face as soon as she had seen me. Even in her simplest state, she looked so beautiful. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around her waist squeezing her a little bit.

After she had let go, we made our way up to her room but not before I had said hi to her mum, who seemed to be cooking in the kitchen. Her room looked nice it wasn't too neat but it wasn't messy. She had her little LED lights that I've seen everyone having on purple and music playing through her speakers. I took my shoes off going onto her bed, which was bare soft for some reason, grabbing her remote control turning on her tv.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked her whilst she looking through the bag grabbing out her drinks then passing the bag to me.

"Uhh, I don't know. Why don't you look for something whilst I go and get some snacks to go along with these drinks you got for the both of us?"

"Ight kl," I said as she made her way out to go to the kitchen. I scrolled through Netflix until I saw the show 'When they see us.' I had seen bare people talking about it on their stories so I picked it out wanting to see what the hype was about it.

Savannah had finally made her way back upstairs with bare snacks in her arms. She had dumped all the snacks near the bottom of the bed, but not before grabbing a bag of sour skittles as she knew those were my favourite. She then finally started to join me in her bed and cuddled up next to me laying her head down on my chest. I placed a kiss on her forehead making her burrow her face into my chest trying to hide her blush.

"I missed you," she whispered into my ear

"But you had just seen me yesterday."

"I know but we didn't really get to talk properly like we would normally do."

"I know mamas, I know, Does your body still hurt? Let me see your cuts." I said she automatically rolled up her sleeves. Seeing all the cuts on her arm made me angry all over again. How are you gonna put your hands on a female? That's a pussy move.

"It don't hurt as much anymore. It's slowly getting better." She said rubbing her hands all over my face. I laid her back on top of me slowly rubbing her back for her. We both continued to watch the show that was before us and I can't lie this shit was proper sad. How were they gonna do my niggas like that though? As I continued to rub her back, I heard her light snores causing me to chuckle. This girl slept way too much. Grabbing the remote, I turned down the tv then gradually fell asleep myself

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