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Santana Jordan Michaels
Sunday 24th October 2020
1:00pm|Slade Green

Santana Jordan Michaels Sunday 24th October 20201:00pm|Slade Green====================================

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I had woken up in a very bad mood. I really wasn't in the mood for anyone's bullshit today. Can't lie to you, Amira had really pissed me off yesterday. How are you telling me this girl tried to break up with man? I don't know what she thought but she's stuck with me for life. Man, I fucking love that girl, she can't leave. Bro, I sound bare whipped.

I left out the house early this morning, without telling anyone where I was going, so I could make my way down here to Slade Green to swing by Paris' yard. I had to sort out this fucking girl cause she's moving like she's tapped. She was bare pissing me off and I've had enough of her bullshit.

After walking a few minutes from the closest bu stop I was finally on her street, I felt a vibration coming from phone so I grabbed my phone out of my pocket checking to see what it was. I saw that Savannah had sent me a message.

baby sis🙄
yo san where you at?

Why is this girl talking like she's mandem? She just wants to be like me so bad? However, I didn't feel like responding to her message right now so I just aired her message, stuffing my phone back into my back pocket. Once I had finally reached Paris' yard, I started knocking on her door hard until someone finally came and opened it up. She better be home cause I didn't come all the way here for no reason. I looked up to see a curtain moving slightly letting me know someone was in.

The door had finally opened and at the door was a small old woman, who looked just like an older version like Paris. She was beautiful too bad she had to have a daughter like that.

"Hello, Can I help you?" she said with a slight Nigerian accent.

"Hi, yes auntie. Is Paris in?" I said smiling trying to come off as polite because you know these Nigerian women don't play.

"Yes, she is in her bedroom. Just go straight upstairs," she said letting me in smiling at me.

"Thank you, auntie!" I said walking in going up the stairs until I saw what seemed to be Paris' room. It was bare messy and there were clothes everywhere. She's bare delusional if she ever thought I would wife her, who would wife a girl who's room looks like this.

I knocked on her door even though it was already open making my presence know. She looked up at me with a smirk on her face whilst I was screwing her. I just wanted to wipe that smirk off her face.

"Oh Santana what brings you here?" she said mockingly.

"Why the fuck did you think it was calm to tell people you're pregnant by me. Are you fucking dumb?" I said getting bare vexed.

"What it didn't seem like you were going to do it. So I just helped you out," she said coming closer to me touching my shoulders. I pushed her away from me creating a distance between the two of us.

"Look yeah, you're not pregnant with my fucking baby. So get that dumb idea out of your head. I don't know why you're trying to start shit. Just don't need with my fan. You get me?" I said screwing her but instead of replying she just nodded with that stupid smirk still on her face.

I didn't want to stay here longer than necessary so I just left hoping Amira wouldn't find out about my little visit to Paris as it wasn't that deep. If she found out I went to see her she would probably think we were still fucking and not forgive me.

Paris Kehlani Williams
Sunday 24th October 2020
1:10pm|Slade Green

Santana had just left out my yard so I grabbed my phone texting little miss  Amira filling her in on some information that I thought she might like to hear about her man or whatever she wants to call him

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Santana had just left out my yard so I grabbed my phone texting little miss Amira filling her in on some information that I thought she might like to hear about her man or whatever she wants to call him.

your little boyfriend was just here😘

fuck off man I don't know why you think it's okay for you to be chatting to me

I think you should watch the way you talk to me
I'll ruin you bitch

like I said fuck off you dickhead🖕🏾


I don't know why this girl thinks she can have chat for me. Especially when she thinks I'm having her mans baby. I don't even like Santana he's bare clapped but I need to get closer to him for this stupid plan of Huncho's to work. I decided to call up Huncho seeing how the plan was going in from his end. I needed this shit to work this it wasn't only going to benefit Huncho but it would benefit me too. I was tired of playing second best to both Savannah and Amira, I've tried bare times to tell them how I feel but they always used to brush me off. Not this time though they're gonna really feel my wrath.

"yo, what you saying?" he said with his deep voice I learnt to fell in love with.

"Nothing much, but tell me why Triggs just came round my yard talking about that's not my baby. Like, of course, it's not yours but your girlfriend is so dumb she believed it."

"Rahhh, she fell for it. Fucking idiot. All of them deserve it especially Triggs. I'm coming for him."

"And I'm gonna help you of course. You know I'll always ride for you," I said smiling to myself.

"I know baby, I've got to go I'll chat to you later," he said in a hurry, I could hear a feminine voice in the background making me suspicious but I brushed it off.

"Okay bye babe!" I said hanging up the phone. Them lot didn't know what was coming for them.

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