A Call from the Mist

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Lorelei played by Katie Mcgrath.  (https://www.hdwallpaper.nu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/katie_mcgrath-11.jpg)

A thousand years ago, the vampire race was born using dark magic. Mikael, in an effort to protect his family from death at the hands of their werewolf neighbors ordered his wife, Esther, to use her magic. The spell worked and the family was safe from the werewolf threat. But with their newfound speed and strength, the vampires felt the insatiable urge to feed on human blood. Nature had found a way to curse the family. A stake fashioned from a white oak tree was the only weapon that could kill them. Mikael burned the tree, destroying their only weakness. The family fed on their village, turning a few unlucky humans into vampires like themselves. But Esther was killed by Mikael after learning that their son, Niklaus, was a bastard who was fathered by a werewolf. Mikael has been roaming the Earth, searching for his monstrous children ever since. Many know the story of the Originals. But over the last 500 years, people have forgotten one very special Original. A Mikaelson not by blood, but by marriage. Lorelei Mikaelson.

(2013 A.D.)

Lorelei sat in her large loft, staring at the beautiful sun rising behind the Eiffel Tower, hues of gold and pink and purple casting soft shadows over the green paint. After five years of living in Paris and a thousand years of living in general, you would think she would have tired of the view. But the constant silhouette of the landmark made her remember she didn't need to leave. It reminded her that she had been living a life in the City of Love for five years. Five years was not very long for many – especially for vampires – but after constantly moving after only a few years for a thousand years, she was still surprised at how long she had lived in the city. Other than the village she had spent her human life in, Paris was the city she had stayed in for the longest time.

The city was still sleeping as she watched the glowing sun break past the horizon. She smiled to herself and sighed heavily in satisfaction. That is, before her cell phone rang. Her gaze snapped to the device that broke her serene moment with a glare. But then she felt a sliver of confusion slide into her mind. No one ever called her before noon. As she pretended to be human, most thought that she would be asleep at this time considering she worked in a very successful dance company here in Paris. She shuffled across the cherry oak floor of her bedroom to her cell phone which continued to buzz on her white nightstand. She snatched the buzzing phone and stared at the number. It was unfamiliar to her and she felt the need to snap at the person who had interrupted her peaceful moment. "Bonjour," she answered in a lazy tone.

"Bonjour Lorelei," a woman's voice called over the phone. Lorelei instantly froze, her body tensing up. This voice was familiar to her. One that even 500 years of separation could not make her forget. "Rebekah," Lorelei breathed in surprise and dread. She quickly composed herself, forcing her voice to remain neutral and lazy. "How did you get this number?" Lorelei asked as she pretended to be fascinated by the tassels on the silk ropes holding her silk curtains open. "My brother isn't the only one with little birds around the world. I've been keeping an eye on you this whole time," Rebekah replied simply. "All 500 years? That seems like a great deal of effort for someone who betrayed your family," Lorelei said as her finger continued to twirl the tassels. "You didn't betray my family. You betrayed my brother," Rebekah pointed out. "I'm not surprised you settled in Paris. You always did love it there," Rebekah continued to muse, much to Lorelei's annoyance.

"What do you want, Rebekah?" Lorelei asked, wanting to end this call. "I need your help," Rebekah said, her voice becoming serious. "That's a laugh. Why would you need my help?" Lorelei continued as if the other woman's tone had not changed. "It's Elijah." Just the name of the oldest Original son made Lorelei's mood go from annoyed to bitter regret. "If you have called me to remind me of the past, I don't want to hear it," Lorelei growled at the younger Original. "Lorelei, this is serious. Niklaus has daggered Elijah and traded him away to an enemy in some game for power. I need you to help me find my brother. Please, Lorelei," Rebekah's tone had gone to pleading.

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