Chapter 3

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POV: Scott
I wake up with a headache on our couch the next day. Two empty beer bottles sat on the table across from me. I couldn't remember why the heck I was drinking, until the conversation between Mitch and I played back in my head.
Damn. I was kind of a jerk.
Travis to me was kind of that person that would flirt with lots of people, and could manipulate people. But, I guess that I am judging a book by its cover. Seriously though. If Travis were a book, that would be one fucked up book.
I begin to make omelettes for myself and Mitch when he comes down the stairs, still in his pajamas.
"Morning, Scotty."
"Good morning. So, uh, I'm sorry about snapping at you about Travis yesterday. I hope I don't influence your opinion. After all, it's your love-live at the end of the day," I say, patting his head to annoy him. He smiles a little.
"Well. You didn't influence it. You helped me," he said, accepting the food I offered him.
"Yeah? How so?"
"Well. At first, I was really mad. We're friends. Best friends, if you will. We bantered and we have different plans and opinions. And that made me think of something else."
I raised my eyebrow, wondering where this was going. But somehow I knew, that I wasn't going to like the outcome.
"So, I related our fight to mine and Travis's."
"Ok. And?"
"And I realized that we're going to fight. And cry. And cancel. But we always get over it."
My heart slumped. I already knew.
But I asked anyway.
"And so?"
"So, I've decided to stay with Travis."
"Yeah. But hey. You helped me with that. Thanks so much," he said, taking a bite out of the omelette.
"Mmmm. This is great."
"Thanks. I'm gonna go to the gym. Wanna come?" I ask. I asked because I knew he'd say no. He's not a workout or a morning person.
"Uh, I'll pass. Is something wrong, Scotty?" He asked, like he seriously didn't know. Which he didn't. I'm just crazy for him and he doesn't even notice. That I've always been scared to ask him out. And because I only came out and told him I was gay like two months ago. Like if want obvious before.
"No! I just want to get out and think," I say without a word more. I grab my keys, my wallet, my water bottle, and my shoes and I am out the door, leaving Mitch sitting there with the food that I myself made for him.
I guess you can call It jealousy.

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