Chapter 11

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A/N: did anybody watch the Sup3rfruit live stream? I loved how I could see them getting drunk in front of my eyes. I was dying the whole time.
Anyways, I felt happy after the live stream, so I decided to write this chapter dedicated to Scömítche. WARNING: I'm not good at writing this kind of stuff. I write down what I think sounds good, and I don't usually look over it. Oh well! Enjoy!
(Oops! One more thing....)
Both of my books have over 100 views! I'm really excited. That might not seem like much to some people who have more followers, but to me it's phenomenal! Yayyyy :3
POV: Mitch
I woke up feeling... Different. I was having the worst hangover, and that sucked ass. But even so, I couldn't place my finger on it.
And then I look over, and I see my best friend with his arm around me in bed.
We had to of been drunk. I don't remember anything after hopping in the car and speeding away from Travis's neighborhood. It made me uncomfortable, but there was something that stopped me from pushing his arm away from me.
I thought about his arms around my body while he was helping me shoot the gun last night. How it made me shiver all over. And my smile. A smile that was genuinely toward Scott.
If I had feelings for Scott, I feel like there would be problems. The first one would be the band. What if Avi, Kev and Kirst weren't supportive? Would the band end? Would we end all of our careers? I didn't want to do that to my best friends, who were more like my family.
The second problem would be publicity. If the fans found out, I'd feel like we lose a lot of supporters. The pentatholics mattered to me. I didn't want to be the reason why the band would get a lot of hate.
And last, Scott and I. I didn't want to act any different than we always did. I loved to joke around and play dirty. Scott would play along. If we became a couple, everything we did would be as a couple. I didn't know if either of us could handle it.
Scott began to stir and wake up, so I tried to act like I wasn't watching him sleep. He slept on his side, with no shirt on. His face looked troubled in his sleep, with his wrinkled features. I just wanted to say something to make him laugh, so the face he was making would go away. But I know we have to ease into that.
I sat up a little and patted him softly on the shoulder. His skin was warm under my freezing cold hands.
"Scooter, wake up. We have some things to talk about," I whisper into his ear. His eyes fluttered open slowly. As he looked around, he looked just as confused as I was.
"Hi," he mumbled, sleep still thickly lined in his voice.
"Hello, Scotty," I say quietly. I felt really awkward, because his arm was still wrapped around my waist.
"I don't remember anything after-" he begins, and he finally notices where his arm was. As he pulled it away, I stopped him by grabbing his hand with mine. It was something that was impulse. Something that I wasn't sure if I necessarily minded or not. His look was shocked.
"After what?" I ask, not realizing what I was asking until after the words flew from my mouth. He blushed a little. I didn't want him to say..... What I thought he was going to say. I don't like getting taken advantage of. It was one of my biggest pet peeves since yesterday, when I gained my freedom from the biggest a-hole in California.
"Would you be mad at me if I told you we kissed?" He peeped, a guilty look on his face. We kissed? God. You miss the craziest things when your brain isn't where your heart is. Or when your drunk. But I liked my version better.
"It was just a kiss? Not anything else after?" I ask, I talk fast to get it over with. I didn't like the conversation.
He shook his head shamefully.
"No. Just cuddling.," he said. I breathed a sigh of pure relief that it wasn't something worse.
"But when you were asleep, your arms were around me and.... I didn't really want to leave. I'm so sorry Mitch. I know with at what I did was-" I had heard enough. I interrupted the apology by pressing my lips to his. I made sure it didn't last too long though. For all I know, it was only our second. He blushed again, and he ran his fingers through his messed up hair. I chuckled a little bit.
"Apology accepted," I couldn't but smile. He closes his eyes and we just laid there. Neither one is had an idea of what to say. Neither one of us wanted to break this moment. I had no idea where this was going, either. I eventually spoke up.
"So what does this mean?" I peep, I felt shivers come along as I touched more and more of the skin on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair, playing with it.
"Whatever you want it to mean," he responds, and he turns my head to where his was. I didn't know what was going to happen. I wanted to see where it would take us though. I let my instincts take their course.
Later I would figure out, that that was the moment my life ruined itself altogether.
A/N: UGH this chapter was annoying af to writeeee. {chill guys. It's because I feel like I ruin the idea in each chapter. I ship them more than I ship my best friend with her boyfriend. Sorry not sorry. Heheehehehe.}
So anyway, this chapter isn't that good. But don't worry. The next ones will be better. I already know what it will be about. :3

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