Chapter 29

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POV: Mitch
I was running. That nurse told me the room number, and I was out of there. I had took the stairs, which was dumb, considering Scott's new room was six flights up. But I wanted to see him again after two, almost three days of him not being here.

There was a possibility that he was memoryless. There's a possibility he was the old Scott. Either way, I wouldn't hold back anymore. I couldn't help it.

I had no time or energy to knock when I had eventually made it to the door. Tired and out of breath, I stumbled in.

Scott's eyes were on his phone. He was scrolling down with his thumb over the screen.

"Scott?" I panted. He looked up, and I saw so the best thing in the world.

He smiled at me. His eyes were full of color again; they lit up the whole room. His skin was practically glowing, and his hair was basically perfect.

"Do you...remember anything?" I asked as I sat beside his bed once again. His eyes never left mine. He raised his hand slowly, and his fingers reached my cheek. It was a gentle touch, and he made it feel so special. I waited for his answer.

"I don't remember anything..." Scott said. My heart slumped down into my stomach. My frown faded slightly. He put his other hand on my other cheek.

"I remember everything. I made it, Mitch. I came back for you. I would never leave you, no matter what I have to face to get there. Because...God, Mitch. I love you." I was struck. He had just woken up, and he had just said the three words. Three words that, when said to me in the past, meant nothing.

Here he was, in all of his glory, laying like an angel here in front of my eyes. I couldn't stop myself from breaking down. I had waited so long for this. I knew he was back.

"Scott...I love you to. I love you, and I've loved you for a while now. I died when you weren't here. You scared me, babe," I said, laughing a little toward the end. The tears layers my face. Scott wiped them with the hospital bed sheet.

"I've always been there. I could see you in pain. Believe me, that was torture to watch. I can't see you cry any longer. Just...come here," he whispered.

I missed his passion when we kissed. I missed how it was perfect every time, and it was never rushed. I loved the way his arms fit around me like a puzzle pieces. And I adored that now, he kissed me while adding something new to the table. His gown thing was soaked because of my crying. But he didn't care. I know he didn't. He was just as happy as I was. He pulled away gently to catch his breath. He mumbled against my lips.

"I love you, Mitch Grassi."

"I love you to, Scott Hoying."
A/N: I'm writing an epilogue! And a sequel! I will call the sequel: The Fighter. (I said that like last chapter or something.)
It will come after i finish The Angel In Me. I will write:
•The Fighter
•Angels in Battle (TAIM sequel)
•Fateful September (updates may be slow!)

Love you guys! Let's be friends if you read till here.
(Couldn't resist lol.)
Alright I'm done.
Epilogue time!

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