Chapter 23

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POV: Scott. (#1)
The tunnel was the same as before. The light blinded me when I tried to look straight forward. The moving pictures and memories found their way under my closed eyelids. I was losing Mitch's voice under all the chaos rushing through me.
Please come back.
I need you, Scott.
Speak to me.
The only thing I could do was picture Mitch and I dancing. I had a dream about once, but I never thought about it, because we weren't together. We were just dancing at the bar, smiling at each other with wild eyes and young hearts. The memories stopped suddenly. The light was gone, as well. I was too afraid to open my eyes. There was a weird sound that my ears couldn't pick up.
I opened one eye at first, and then the other. I looked up at the ceiling of my apartment.
My ears were busted, but I hadn't known that. All I could hear was the noise that would not go away. One ear, then the other. I had finally gotten my hearing back, and I realized what the sound was.
Mitch hovered over me. He would not stop shaking me. I felt the occasional tear drop from his cheek to mine.
"Scott? Scott? Can you hear me? Scott!" He laid his head on my shoulder and sobbed loudly.
But...he was touching me.
He was seeing me.
Was I...was I me?
"M-Mitch?" I croaked. It hurt to talk. It felt like someone was pulling at my legs. I gripped the floor with my fingers because the force was so strong. He looked up slowly, still sulking. his hair was messed up. His clothes were wet. (As were mine.) but his eyes. They were still the chocolate brown color. They still had the sparkle that reflected any light off the room's dimmest. He was a mess. But he saw me. He called me Scott. There's no other Scott in sight.
With every word either of us said, I felt the tugging getting worse on my legs. Like something pulling me.
"Yeah it's me. It's Mitch. What's wrong? What happened? Are you alright? Do you remember anything?"
I forced my numb hand to rest on Mitch's cheek. I was sore everywhere. And it wasn't helping that my legs were being pulled two different directions.
"I'm running out of time, Mitch. It''s me. It's Scott. I will get b-back to you. I p-promise," I said. The words spilled out on their own, like I couldn't control them. Running out of time for this? Or for watching as a ghost?
His eyes squinted closed.
"Scott! Please. Stay. I need you here. I need you! The old you!" He clutched my hand as he spoke.
"I lo-"
"Promise me you'll stay strong through this. You can't give up on me. Or these surprises will stop happening," I said, obviously interrupting him. He what? What was he saying?
His face sunk. But he nodded slowly.
His face and his voice started to become distant to my ears and eyes. I closed my eyes again as the tunnel lit up everything. The memories flooded through as I began to swim in mid-air.
To what, I didn't know.
I just needed to get the heck out of there to see what was happening.
A/N: sorry for spelling errors. I was typing kinda fast because I kept getting ideas and I needed to note something that would happen next chapter. ;)

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