Chapter 12

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POV: Scott
"Hello, everyone! How are we feeling today? I'm feeling good," I say to my camera. I felt a little bouncy after this morning, so I had to put it to use somehow.
"Sorry I haven't been on schedule posting videos, but nothing has really been going on. But we're back now! Well, I am. Mitch is still in his bedroom," I smirk. There were some fans that shipped us anyway, with our being together in everything we do. It was fun to tease them.
"So, what are our plans today?" I ask myself. I walk with my arm outstretched into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. The day was already pretty eventful, if you know what I meant. I had forgotten everything else.
"Oh yeah! I have to go shopping for this queen," I say, scooping Wyatt up in my hand and hold him up to my cheek. He squirmed like a worm. I let him wander free as my coffee finished with a sweet smell and a "ding" sound.
"I thought I might call up Kev or Avi and film some vines or something. I'm really behind. I don't know what else. Starbucks, if I can. All the fans should just come to Starbucks, and we just have a little party. Film Superfruit and you can all ask us live questions. You heard it here first," I end the take and fix myself a cup of joe with creamer to the brim.
Mitch comes down the stairs slowly. His hair was everywhere, and his face looked tired. But he smiled as he saw me filming.
"Finally blogging again?" He asked as he fetched himself a cup from the cabinet. He poured his cup the same amount of creamer as me, and came to sit on the couch beside me. He sat closer than usual.
"Yeah. The fans blew up when the video didn't come out on Tuesday," I say, sipping from my mug. We just sat there, doing and saying nothing. Before it could get to awkward, I turned the camera toward him. He pulled the hat I usually wore off the coffee table and placed it over his monstrosity of hair.
"We have Mitchell now," I say from behind the camera. He drank from his mug and smiled.
"What are you up to today?" I ask.
"I'm meeting up with Kirstie and we're going to this opening sale at the mall today," he says, his words layered with excitement. I smiled. It felt like normal for a couple of seconds. Almost, anyway.
"That, is great. I'll be filming later, and I hope Mitch does the same, because we really need to post. But anyways, we'll transition to next clip. Three, two one..." I end the video and sit it down on the table as I finish the coffee. I could feel Mitch's eyes on me.
"Look, Mitchie. I don't know where we are right now, but I don't want it to be awkward between us."
"And it isn't. It happens. Your the one making it awkward."
"Well we need to decide if we're together or not."
"I'm not ready to make that decision," he raised his voice a little bit. I decided to match his volume.
"If there's something we need to talk about, you can talk to me."
"All I need is some space."
"Are you still thinking about Travis?" My chest tightened when I said his name. Soon I would need something to punch.
"I don't know, Scott. I don't know. It all happened so soon. You have to understa-"
"What is there to understand? I don't get how you can love someone who was never around you."
"Please stop."
"I'm only trying to help you," I say quietly. He squints his eyes at me and he stands.
"Then stop trying. I need to make this decision by myself. I'm going to Kirstie's." He sets his mug in the sink and walks up the stairs.
Everything was shifting in and out of place. Just this morning, I felt so good about all of this. It felt good to wake up with my arm wrapped around Mitch's waist. I felt amazing went Mitch stopped me from pulling it away. I felt Angels singing when he kissed me. I felt happy not ten minutes ago. And now I felt like I ruined it all.
I needed to get out of the house. I wasn't going to feel better sitting here alone with nothing to do. I also needed some material to use for the channel.
I passed Mitch as I went up the stairs. He stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I looked down at him. His hair was under a SnapBack. He wore a black tank with jeans. He looked like he was in a gloomy mood, except for his eyes. Those eyes were as brown as always. They were wider than usual, and they didn't look like they were mad or depressed. They looked normal, like the normal Mitch.
"Where you heading off to?" He asked.
"I don't know. Maybe just walking around or meeting the guys," I shrug.
He lets go of my wrist, and I turn to walk up the stairs again, but his words stop me this time.
"Well I'll see you later, Scott."
"I'll text you," I say over my shoulder, and I eventually make it up the stairs.
{POV changes to Mitch}
"Hello, darling!" Kirstie wrapped her arms around me when the door opened. Her blond hair was pulled back into a high ponytail that came down to her waist. She wore a blue dress with a pastel seam. She looked beautiful in it.
"And to you."
"You ready to hit it?" She called from her living room.
"Yes girl." I liked hanging out with Kirst. She was always so happy and optimistic about everything. She also gave great advice. She and I have this friendship where she won't ever judge me when I tell her my problems. And when she came to me-usually with shopping or cooking, because I was great at both- with problems, I liked to return the favor. She drove as we listened to the radio. This was it.
"I want you to be completely honest with me."
"I always am."
"I haven't told Avi, Kev or Jeremy yet."
"Have you told Scott?"
"He's included in this."
"Oh. Well get on with it."
"First I should tell you that Travis cheated." Kirstie stared at me for a few moments with a worried expression.
"Mitch. Are you okay?"
"I'm alright. Anyways, we did some.....celebration stuff, and I got drunk at the house."
"That's all I remember. The next thing I knew, I woke up with Scott, shirtless with his arm around me," I say without hesitation. It was obvious from how I acted that I was gay, but Kirst was the first one that found out. She comforted me that day. She made me feel better about it.
"Do you like him?"
"I don't know. I'm really confused. I liked how he held me, though. He gave me a feeling that not even Travis could give me," I blurt. Kirstie looked straight ahead, lost in thought.
"Interesting. Where do you and Scott stand as of now?"
"I got mad at him before I left. It was okay before that, though. I know that he likes me. He has to. He was the one who took advantage of me in my drunken state. He was sober," I told her. She looked just as confused as I felt.
"Do you still have feelings for Travis?"
"I have feelings for both of them. It's hard to let Travis go. But I do like Scott. Kirst, what do I do?
"I think that you need to let Travis go. Scott likes you, and you like him. Travis made his choice, and he was an ass to leave you. But you and Scott obviously like each other, Mitch. I think moving on is your best choice," she slipped her hand in mine as she spoke.
"But what if Avi and Kev don't approve? What happens to the band then?"
"They'll approve. Scömítche is the cutest thing ever! And we're a family. We stick together. Nothing can draw a wedge in between us. Don't ever think that for a second, Mitch," she squeezed my hand. I felt so much happier. And the best thing is, it was simple advice! I needed it to be pointed out to me.
"Your right. Thank you so much, K," I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulders at the red light. I loved having Kirstie. She has been helping me before we were even posting unpopular videos on YouTube. It made me so happy that I could always trust in her.
"Your welcome! Anymore problems?"
"Well, Wyatt's litter box smells."
"Um, use the kind with detergent in it. It helps," she shrugged.
Isn't this girl amazing? If I were straight, I'd want Kirstie as my girlfriend. She really understood.
"Should I get something for Scott? Like a gift?" I ask, smiling at the floorboards. She could read minds as well as shop like a mad woman.
"I have the perfect gift!"
"Really? What is it?"
"You'll see! We have to get to this mall!" She stepped her foot on the gas, making me jump and it excited me.
As of now, I knew what I had chosen.
I chose Scott.
I'm traveling so sorry this was short and not very interesting! It'll get better next chapter. (;

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