Chapter 16

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POV: Mitch
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.
I drove thirty miles over the speed limit to get to Scott faster. If only he hadn't been so stupid. If I hadn't left to help Kirstie.
No Mitch. It's nobody's fault.
Not yet, anyway.
I saw Kevin's car in the parking lot, and swerved in beside it. I was practically flying out the car door, almost forgetting the keys in the ignition.
The first thing I saw was the back of Avi's head. There was a huge circle around something. I hit the ground running, and I literally almost knocked Avi off his feet when I tried to stop myself.
"Mitch! Oh my god your here!" He threw his arms around me. I was panting like a dog. I was sweating my ass off. I was worried sick. I didn't want to be hugged.
Not if it wasn't Scott.
"Where is he?" I peeped. I had a hunch. I just hoped I was wrong.
"The middle of the circle. Unconscious. We don't know what happened. I'm sorry, Mi-" I didn't hear him finish. I shoved everyone out of the way as I cleared a path for myself. Two police officers and paramedics surrounded my sweet, beautiful Scotty. He looked limp on the ground, motionless and beaten up. Whoever did this better had been drunk. We make mistakes when we're drunk. But it won't make me want to punch and kick any softer.
"Excuse me, sir. You must be at least ten feet away from the victim," a police officer told me. He put his hand on my shoulder, but I backed away from the touch.
"Excuse me officer, but he happens to be my boyfriend. I have been in the dark from what happened, and I demand to know who the hell did it!" I wanted to punch a face. Someone had to give me a face. The officer looked at me like I was a rabid squirrel. I probably looked as crazy as one.
"I'm sorry, sir. I'm just doing my job. Now if you could just back away from the scene, that would be highly appreciated." He answered calmly. I wanted to connect my fist to his nose, but a familiar face caught my eye from behind the crowd of people.
I know that charming smile anywhere.
"Travis!" I ran toward him, despite the calls from Avi and Kevin-who I didn't locate-to tell me to stop. Travis was leaning up against a wall with a short guy, looking proud of himself. At first, Travis looked surprised to see me. But then, he just smirked. He smirked like an alligator would. His breath smelled like blood and he was ready to bite down on any meat he could get his hands on.
(A/N: I am so sorry. That sounds exactly what your thinking about. ): ohmagosh.)
"Mitch! Did you like our gift?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, but I pulled away. I couldn't believe it. What gift?
"What the hell are you on about?" I asked. I needed to punch so bad. So bad.
"I got home to see that blonde had repainted my house. I was surprised to see you there. You traitor," he handed me a picture of Scott and I. It was a perfect image of our faces, and it showed when he was trying to teach me to shoot.
You know, the one where his arms were around me.
"How did you...?"
"My place has neighbors. And neighbors have cameras. Idiot. Anyways, after I found out, I hired Xander here to get some dirty work done," he said. He pat the short guy's shoulders. I could just...kill someone, I was so mad.
"So your responsible for this shit?!" I looked back toward the circle. Scott was being lifted onto a gurney. Oh my god.
"Yes sir. And if you tell, I'll tell about your paintball journey, trespassing, breaking a window, running from security, and not to mention your 'secret' relationship with cute little Scott Hoying." Travis. Before I knew it, my fist collided with his nose. H flew back, and sat on the ground, holding his nose.
It felt good.
I ran away, and into the ambulance with Avi and Kevin. Tears were streaming down my face as I cried onto Kevin's shoulder. I held Scott's cold, limp hand in mine, all the way to the hospital.
A/N: yay? This wasn't the worst part. That comes next. :( I feel like if I were in Mitch's shoes, I probably would have thrown more than one punch that night, To be honest.
Ughhhh don't want to write this. I know what's going to happen, and it's gonna be a lot like "If I Stay" for a bit. So stay with me. That's not how it's gonna end. With Scott in a coma or something. Lol. Stayed tuned.

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