Chapter 21

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A/N: I'm scared. :3
POV: Mitch
I didn't even have time to change out of my pajama pants and night shirt before I got the hospital. I hadn't even thought about looking weird. But, I was in a band of people who loved seeing me in general, and it was normal to see people in weird times burst through the hospital doors with whatever they had on them slash with them.
Sweat dripped from my face as I burst through the lobby doors. Heads turned my direction, but I couldn't be bothered to be embarrassed.
Scott was awake. He was back.
I will promise myself and him that he will get lots of hugs and kisses and...maybe other surprises when it comes to it. Before that though, I'm also limiting alcohol, and going to clubs for a while.
I don't care how much he whines. He scared the crap out of me. Of everyone.
Kirstie came in in sweats. She looked exhausted, and she had earplugs in. Our eyes met, and she jogged over to me. We collapsed in each other's arms.
"I-I was jogging when I..." She was panting like a dog. Whatever makeup she had on was now under her eyes like she was crying blood or something.
"When I got the call. I c-came here as soon as I heard," she finished. I made her sit down so she wouldn't pass out.
Kirstie and I had to wait until we were "escorted" in., because there was apparently some explaining to do. And for that, Kevin and Avi would have to be here. They could sometimes be the slowest two people ever.
Kevin and Avi ran in with flowers and stuffed animals in hand. They to, were in lounging clothes.
So the calls caught everyone by surprise, and it wasn't just me.
An overly peppy nurse in the most orange colored suit ever came to us and asked us to introduce ourselves. She smiled with some enthusiasm that almost looked fake.
"Well hello, Pentatonix! My name is Dianne Hollow, and I called you all about a sudden awakening of a certain Scott Hoying?" She had the curliest red hair ever. It bobbed when she moved her head.
We all stood up to follow her. She led us all to the elevator.
The first thing that I noticed was that instead of taking us to floor 2, she pressed the button for floor 8.
"Scott moved rooms after his...test. All of floor 2 is being used to shoot an interview for a family who's boy died of lung-failure yesterday. What a sad story," she played with her bracelets and her hair the whole way up.
Kirstie slipped her hand in mine and squeezed.
Lord help me. I already had tears coming to my eyes.
"Right! Now, follow me. this floor gets a little bit crazy in the variety of patients," she said as the door to the elevator opened. The sign to the door made me wince.
Floor 8.
Confused/Mentally disabled Patients.
Visitors must be guided by a nurse to have access to a patient at all times.
The lady stopped us by a door, guarding it by standing in front of it.
Her perky smile faded.
"Now, my children. I must warn you of patient Hoying's condition. After he took his test, well...he didn't do so well."
"What was he tested on?" Kevin asked.
"Whatever he remembered," she answered, stepping to the side slowly and cautiously. I gave her a confused look.
"So how did he not do well?" I asked. She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly.
"You'll see. Go on in, quietly," she started to whisper as she opened the door. I walked in first.
Meaning: I was the first to see him awake completely.
The curtains were pulled back, revealing the view his room had of the beach. He stared at the beach over his shoulder.
Our eyes met. And God, were they beautiful. That blue sea-green color made me want to cry. They twinkled like they always did. They were clear, like they use to be.
The only thing new was that his eyes were filled with terror as we filled the room. His nurse, Kelsey, told us to sit everything down and sit. I sat by the bed, taking in the beautiful human lying in bed. He never seemed to take his eyes off of me.
He didn't say anything though.
A doctor in a white coat came in nervously. He shook my hand as well as the others, and took the clipboard from Scott's bedside table.
"Good evening, kids. I apologize for the wakeup call. We just saw your names at the top of the list of emergency contacts." The doctor had an accent that I couldn't place. Either way, his voice was thick, with a low level just like Avi.
He was good looking, I'll give him that.
He stared at us all for a long time before he continued.
"I have only bad nexs to give, for the good news is that he is alive and well. Are all of you ready to hear the test results?" I wasn't, honestly. But the rest of the group nodded in unison. I could back out now.
"His results showed that he knew absolutely nothing about the last few years of his life. It's like his brain has been cleared of every record of everything. We've been trying to get something out of him about you guys, but there is nothing there. I apologize greatly for this," the doctor leaves the room with that. The nurse looks at us to make the next move. Scott still had his eyes on me.
His records of us were gone? Surely not.
"Scott? Hey, bud. Do you remember us?" I asked him quietly.
Bud? What the...? He stared at me for a long time. The stare wasn't full of love and google eyes like lovers have for each other, but it wasn't full of hate, either. They almost looked...blank.
He looked from me to Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin. He then back at me. He shrugged.
"You guys seem...familiar. Do I go to school with you or something?" He asked. My heart was starting to hurt as the reality came.
He doesn't remember us. Our kisses, our triumphs, our secrets, our history. If he couldn't so much as remember my name, how could we ever recreate what we have?
Kevin answered calmly for me.
"No, we never went. All of us, including you, are in a band called Pentatonix. Do you know what A Capella is?"
Scott shook his head.
"No? Well it's singing without musical accompaniment. Your our lead singer, Scott Hoying," he placed his hand on Scott's shoulder. Scott looked around at us. Kevin continued.
"I'm Kevin. Beatboxer." Scott nodded.
"This is Avi. He is base. He sings way low," Kevin bumped Avi, who was looking out the window. He was somewhere faraway from here.
Couldn't say I blame him. I'm surprised I haven't gone yet. The conversation was getting harder and harder for me to listen to.
"This pretty is Kirstie. She sings a little of everything." Kirstie looked at me. Probably a 'are you okay?' Face written in her eyes and her expression. I wasn't looking at her though. I couldn't stay out of Scott's eyes. They were dull, but they still had the special color that only he had.
"And that, is Mitch. He owns the most graceful voice ever, and he's your roommate. You do a blog channel together, and..." He looked at me, asking for permission before telling him about us. I shook my head no.
"And that's," he said sadly. Everyone looked at me with confused faces. And something cracked inside of Kirstie. She took my hand, excused us, and dragged me out.
"Why what?"
"Why aren't you trying to restart your relationship with him? Are you breaking up with him?" She crossed her arms. I shrugged.
"It's hard to explain. I don't want-"
"Don't. You can't give up on him because of this."
"Kirst, you don't get it." She really didn't. I let Scott into my life years ago. We have been friends, best friends even, from then to now. The reason why I realized I liked Scott was because there were memories and chemistry behind us.
"Your right. I don't," she said.
"Mitch, Scott has lost everything. You know what that means?"
"What does that mean?"
"That means we need to be there for him to pick up the pieces. I know that you two had strong feelings for each other. You two are meant to be."
"Kirst, listen. I don't want to give up. I just don't think that I should explain to someone who is basically restarting their life that they should have feelings for me. That's pretty much how to ruin the relationship," I said. It's like we need to teach him everything all over again. As much as it will tear me apart, I need to raise Scott back up to the person he once was first. And even then, he will never be the same.
My Scott is gone, and probably forever.
Gone, along with my heart.
I drove Scott home two days later. All the others had gone home, and were resting after all the exhaustion this has caused.
I wanted to say something to Scott, but I didn't know what. He had his head against the window, looking at everything. Buildings, people, boutiques, food. Scott loved to look at it all.
The awkwardness became too much for me. I turned the radio up, so I could at least not have to sit in a car for twenty minutes without speaking. Scott was fascinated by the box playing the songs.
"What is this song?" He asked, when Single Ladies by Beyoncé came on the radio. I smiled and turned it up louder, holding back memories of the past.
"It's our song. Listen," I said. He moved along to the lyrics, and eventually, they came to him. His face lit up, like it used to.
"I remember it!" He started to sing the words as loud as he could. I rolled down the windows so he could shout into the air, and at passing cars. Let's just say we got a lot of honks that day.
A/n: I didn't know how else. 😁
Next chapter will be the POV of the real Scott, learning slowly on how he can get back to himself again. But it may get confusing...uhhhhh
So...this fanfic has 600+ views, and they keep going up. And, one of my favorite writers on here started to favorite these, and I had to literally throw my phone I got so happy.
This book makes me feel depressed, and I'm not good at writing depressing things. I will write a chapter on Eli's funeral sooner or later, and I'm warning the public now. Heh heh heh...
I apologize for the quality of last chapter, it was really baddddddddddddd because I got rushed and we all know that if writing is rushed, it usually isn't good... So that explains that.
That's basically it.
I have homework now, and I'm just writing this long note to procrastinate and waste time. Lol that's so me.
So, thanks for reading and not getting bored!
{You probably did, but thanks for reading anyway.}
~The most stressed person on the planet, who's swimming in responsibilities as well as drowning in school work.

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