Chapter 5

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(Apologizing because the last chapter was like, 2 pages long. Oops....)
POV: Scott
"You ready?" Kevin had his hands on the bar, making sure my arms didn't give out before I started to lift. It was obvious that he was stronger than me. But he usually his his body under long shirts and jackets, because he didn't like getting attention from girls.
His girlfriend, Morgan, was in New York trying to follow her dreams of becoming an actress. I respected Kev so much because of what he was doing, and I knew that-considering my wardrobe consists of mostly tank tops that show my muscles- I couldn't do the same.
"Yeah I'm ready," I say, bracing myself. He nods and slowly lets the bar go. I feel the weight get way heavier on my arms as I let it drop along with my arms, then I push it all back out. I do this again and again until I reach 30. Then I stop, because my arms were giving out.
Kev and I decide to join Avi and Jeremy-Kirstie's boyfriend- in the treadmill area. I feel weird without Mitch here, but then I remember the fact that I'm kinda mad at him now, and I push the thought from my mind.
"So what are your plans for the day, Scott?" Avi asked, handing me a bottle of water. I accept it.
"I don't know. Mitch and I need to film for Superfruit sometime today. Then I'm completely free," I say, trying to remember what plans I had made.
"You guys?"
"Well, if we can round up Mitch and Kirstie, we can go hang out, maybe do some clubbing or something," Jeremy suggested with a shrug. No one objected.
"It sounds fun," Avi said with a smile. "I say we do it."
We make the decision just before Mitch comes in, almost as if on cue. He wore sweats that actually looked really good on him, considering he doesn't work out. Almost..... Cute. Almost.
"Hey guys. The gang's all here, I see," Mitch says. The group exchanges glances with each other. I know why I was looking around, because of last night. I don't know about the others.
"Yep. So Mitchie, we're going clubbing tonight after you and Scott film, and we were wondering if you'd like to come?" Kevin asked. Mitch seems to give this some thought, and looks at me. I stared down at his feet instead of his eyes, because those eyes can tear into me when he looks to me for help. But he smiles after a while and stares back at Kevin.
"Sure! Sounds fun. See you guys then?" He asks the group, who nods.
"Then it's settled," I mumble as I begin to make my way back to the locker room to change. And by change, I not only mean my clothes, but my attitude as well.

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