Chapter 22

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POV: (The real) Scott
I sat on the couch, watching myself watch tv. It's like the life was sucked out of him completely.
Well, me, technically.
Wyatt sprinted from the bathroom at full speed after being washed by Mitch. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Scott. He jumped in his Scott's lap, waiting to be groomed and loved on. Scott had different ideas though. He jumped up and stood on the couch, terrified as hell. Wyatt scampered away to hide. I wish I could hit myself right now. Himself. Wait, rl does that even make since?
Mitch walked in slowly, drying his hands on a towel. He stopped in the doorway of the bathroom to stare at Scott, who had gotten back to normal, watching SpongeBob on tv.
"Hey Scott. You want a cup of coffee?" He asked, walking to the kitchen.
The other Scott didn't look away from the tv when he answered.
"No, that's okay. Thanks, though," he barely managed to even mumble his words. Mitch had taken out two mugs already, like he always did. I would never say no to coffee, like ever. He put one back in and started to make coffee for one.
{POV changes to Mitch}
I felt so awkward not speaking to Scott. I felt weird making coffee for only myself. I felt torn after I realized just how bad Scott hurt himself.
How bad Travis and that Xander guy hurt him.
He turned the television off once SpongeBob went off. We stared at each other, until an upset Wyatt pounced into my lap. He cuddled against me. Something has apparently upset him. This cat is mental.
An he's starting to act different, to. He stares at something, and he does that thing where he marks his scent on your leg by rubbing up against it, even though there is nothing there.
"What is it, baby?" I whispered into the side of his face. He started to squirm, so I him free. He went to the other end of the couch and sat.
Like I said, mental cat.
"So is this all we do? Just sit around all day?" Scott asked. No. We did a lot of things. But some are things I can't do with him anymore.
"No. We could...go to Starbucks, the park, film a Superfruit video..."
"Superfruit is our blog channel, yes?" He asked. I nodded down at the ground. I didn't want to film with Scott. He wouldn't remember any of the things that we did. None of the segments or the small talk. the hell do I edit videos without Scott? I can't edit. I just say if the joke is worth keeping in the video or not. He does the magic. It wouldn't even matter if I could teach Scott to edit. All the editing programs and software was on his computer, which was off.
Damn you, Internet.
"Then show me some past videos. I want to at least try to make you want to hang out with me," Scott said.
What did that mean?
At least try to make you want to hang out with me.
I made sure to show confusion on my face as I didn't move to his command.
"What makes you think that I don't want to hang out with you? You're my roommate...and my friend," I replied. It took me all I had not to say boyfriend. I felt sad. He rolled his eyes, like it was obvious.
"I've watched you ever since your walked into the hospital room. I watched as your face turned to hopeful to hopeless. I can't remember what my old self made you feel. I want to do my best to recreate it though. For you, and for the band." His words stressed me out. Why was my face so easy to read?
"I just...I'm sorry. I don't know what I expected. All of this was basically because of me, and you should know that. I left you with Avi and Kevin. The next thing I knew, I was in the club parking lot, watching as a ring of drunk people circled your limp body. All I know is that my ex did it to you. That asshole has ruined my life. He ruined yours. All of ours," I said to him. I was trying to fight off tears. Scott wasn't helping me to get over him, either. He did something I did not want him to do. He placed his hand on top of mine gently. I had to look away. His eyes-I knew they would be bearing into my soul-would make me melt. I couldn't face them just yet.
"It's alright. I just want everybody to stop worrying about me. I'm new, but I'm fine. Now, show me the videos," he said, softer this time. I nodded and went upstairs to fetch my laptop for him.
{POV changes to real Scott}
Bruh. He was seriously trying Superfruint videos. He would never get my personality right. The fan would know something was up.
I had to try to get into him again. It was the only thing I knew how to do. There was nothing else that I knew of that pulls help me get back into my body. And going into him obviously did something. I just had to study it a little more. And, to be honest, nobody will take my place on Superfruit. Ever.
I kept Mitch's voice in my head as began to back away from the Scott.
I miss you.
I need you.
I wish I could sing like you.
Please come back.
Speak to me, baby.
If I was going to die trying, I would have to think about Mitch to make the pain easier. There was no way that I could pass on without apologizing. To him. Kirstie. Kevin. Avi. The Pentaholics.
"I'm coming home soon, Mitch," I mumbled, staring at Scott's blank face as I began to fast-walk toward him.
"Sooner or later."
A/N: yayyyy 698 views. I feel so special. 😂👌
Thanks for reading. This was short and suckish and boring. Hahahhahaha I don't know how to write the next few chapters leading up to scene. No spoilers. ;3

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