Chapter 25

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POV: Mitch
"Wow. This is sad. Even for him," Kirstie said to me. We watched as Scott was trying to hit the notes on the sheet music we gave him to try out.
"Well that isn't him. He is somewhere else, apparently," I responded. She raised an eyebrow.
"Come again?"
"He was saying some weird things during his attack," I told her.
"Like, 'he would try to get back to me,' and he is 'running out of time.' His mind sort of...reset after that."
"I know," I answered. Kirstie and I have sat here watching Scott for an hour, trying to see how much of a singer the 'new' Scott is.
Right now, he seems like he should be backstage.
God, I missed his voice.
"I wonder if he'll have another one," she said. "An attack, I'm meaning.
We need to figure out what caused it, and how we can fix it."
She wasn't wrong. There had to be some sort of explanation for his attack. He had never had one like that before.
If it had something to do with his injuries, then we need to get used to it. It'll probably not go away as easy.
Of course I was concerned for him. Why had he remembered me and my name just long enough to tell me the things he did? Was it a sign? Or a message?
Those two are the same things, Mitch.
You idiot.
"Alright. Don't know how we're gonna do that, but we'll do it," I said.
"I'm glad you haven't given up on him after all," Kirstie rested her head on my shoulder. I chuckled a little bit.
"I'm glad I haven't either. There's no way I'm stopping now," I reply to her.
"If he's trying to get back to me, then I sure as hell will meet him halfway."

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