Chapter 13

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POV: Scott
"Hello again, lovelies! So uh, I'm walking to the Starbucks! And I'm getting lots of stares from people but I don't really mind because people are going to stare at you and you just stare right back. Until it gets awkward.....and then I just look away. What was I talking about? Oh yeah!
So I'm meeting a special guest here! I've done some things with him in the past, and he has invited me to be a part in his new project!" The special guest is working on a special video for his channel, and has decided to help me with some stuff at the same time.
"Scooter!" A voice calls when I get in the building. I look over at the sound and I see the familiar face I know and love.
"Todrick!" I walk over and give him a bro-hug. I think that guys call bro-hugs what we call them so we can feel more manly about the fact that were hugging someone. That's manly in itself, if you ask me.
"What's up, man?" Toddy asked, messing up my hair.
"Nothing much. I was pretty much free. I was filming earlier though. Oh wait!" I turn on the camera and turn it so Todrick was standing behind me and we were both in the frame.
"So I'm here with Todrick Hall! Say hi."
"So I can't say anything, but Todrick asked me to be apart of this amazing new video coming up soon in his channel!"
"That's right! And it's pretty cool as well. So go check on my channel and it'll be up soon."
"You heard it here first, Toddy fans!" I say, and I shut off the camera. For this we needed to be focused.
It had been hours, and so I had decided to text Mitch. I know we were mad at each other and all, but we do need to make a decision.
Scott: Hi Mitch. Are you still at the mall??
Mitch:Finishing up. Where are you.
Scott: Home. If you hurry, I'll have dinner warm for you. (:
Mitch: Oh dear. Am I going to get food poisoning?
Scott: Haha very funny.
Mitch: I'm kidding. I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Now, all I could do was wait.
{POV changes to Mitch}
I had butterflies in my stomach. I've never been asked out, let alone had to ask someone out. Nobody would stick around long enough.
I opened the door, and found a delicious smell erupting from the oven. Scott was nowhere in sight.
"Scott? I'm home." Silence.
"Scooter Hoing? I swear if you burn the house down I'll-"
"You'll do what?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my shoulders from behind.
"I've checked it every five minutes. It should be just about done," he said excitedly. I was impressed on how great it smelled.
"What is it exactly ?"
"Come and see for yourself."
Oh my gosh it was the best thing I have ever seen. It was like white penne pasta with Alfredo sauce and bread crumbs sprinkled over the top. He had also bothered to make a side of seasonal vegetables, but we both knew neither of us would try to care.
"And guess what else?"
"What?" I asked, awestruck of what was in front of me.
"The pasta is gluten free, just for you."
"No you didn't."
"I did."
"Oh my gosh, Scott!"
"No need to thank me."
"I should let you cook more often."
"Why not?"
"Once a masterpiece is made, you can never recreate it the same."
"Who made this?"
"The lady next door."
"That's what I thought."
Scott was sitting with his arm around me on the couch after dinner. I felt like this was as good a time as any.
"I have something for you."
"Do you now?"
"I do. Let me go get it."
"Alright." The gift was in a blue bag.
"Open it."
"Will I get bitten by it?"
"You might."
"I'm scared."
"Dammit Scott. Just open it."
"Okay, okay." He stuck his hand in the bag slowly, and wrapped his fingers around the thin frame.
"Is this what I think it is?" He asked. I nodded.
When we went on tour around in the states, we had to take a rest break from the tour bus. We stopped by and found the greenest hill of grass that I have ever seen. Scott was the only real one win a vlog camera at that time, so a couple of pictures became an interview and a photoshoot. Scott and I were laying side-by-side on the grass while the others were doing whatever. Scott took the final picture of us, and it was the happiest we ever looked. Unfortunately, Scott had his camera stolen by a crazed fan the day after that, and he was really upset. None of us could have replaced the pricelessness that was those pictures. But I ran into the fan a year later, and she gave it back. It was the best thing ever for me, because I knew he would be excited.
"Oh my god Mitch. How?"
"I have my ways. There's more to."
"This is the old camera!"
"Do you remember it?"
"Of course. Seriously, how did you find it?"
"Ran into the fan who took it. You like it? I'm sorry I didn't give it to you sooner. It's been at Kirstie's for a while, and she had forgotten to give it back until now."
"I love it! And why not here?"
"Your a snoop."
"But you know it's true."
"Fair point. I love it, Mitchie. Thank you," he wrapped his as around me. I didn't know how to transition from the camera to the relationship from here. He wasn't mad anymore, that was obvious. But I didn't want to ruin this now.
"About my decision-"
"You take as much time as you need. Please don't feel obligated to think it out in a day." Scott was now being nice about it.
"I've already made my decision."
"Wait really?"
"Look, Scott. It was a tough pill to swallow, with Travis dating another guy. I felt really abandoned and mad. I didn't think that I would like painting his house so much, considering we could have gone to jail for trespassing and vandalism. I have feelings for Travis." I saw his face fall.
"But I also have feelings for you." He lit up like a Christmas tree.
"I don't know how long it will take to get over Travis. But Scott? If you promise to be here for me, and if you promise that you'll help me through every step of the way, I would be love to be your boyfriend." I pulled him up and I placed my hands on his shoulders as I looked up into his crystal blue eyes. They were wide, and watery-no pun intended.
"If you promise that you'll be mine and mine only, and if you swear that you'll open up to me when I ask you what's wrong, I'd love for you to say yes," he answered. I smiled wider than I have in a long time.
"Then it's official! Scömítche is officially real!" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. He spins me around, and we end up on the couch. Our lips connected slowly as the thoughts began to process into my brain. Scott Hoying was my boyfriend. He liked me. And we're together. And there's a chance that we could ruin our careers. But I don't care. Because the puzzle pieces are beginning to fall into place.

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