Chapter 24

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POV: Mitch
I have never been this scared and confused in my life. I held Scott's hand as he rocked back and forth, twitching. His eyes were squinted closed. He was mumbling things I couldn't understand. His skin was pale and white. And his heartbeat could be heard from six feet away.
What had happened? It was like old Scott was here, for a few seconds, and now he was gone.
What did he mean that he was running out of time?
What's "I'll get back to you soon?" What's stopping him? How long is soon?
Scott groaned, and he shifted a little bit. His trembling stopped and he looked up at me with terrified eyes.
Terrified, blue eyes.
"Who the heck are you? What's going on? Where am I?" He started to try to back away from me. I gripped his wrist.
"You don't remember me? Or where you are? Anything?" I asked. How was this possible? Did he literally start over again?
"No. Should I?"
"You should. My name is Mitch. Your roommate. You just had some sort of...attack. You have lost your memory. Do you remember your name?" I asked, trying to stay calm. Whatever had happened made me want to scream. How would he get back to me if he restarted his mind every twenty seconds?
"Yeah. Scott. And we're roommates? Are we in school or something?" He asked.
"No. We are in a band called Pentatonix. There are 5 of us, who you'll meet later. Right now, you should go lie down," I said, pulling him up and up the stairs. He didn't object.
I led him to his bedroom and sat him on the bed. He remembered simple things like where his clothes were, and his name. But he couldn't remember me.
I should be something that he remembers.
"Alright. If you need anything, I'm the next room over, or I may be downstairs. Okay?" I asked. He nodded, not meeting my eyes. I left, and bit my tongue to keep from screaming and crying like the child I was.
"So he's started over again?" Kirstie asked over the phone. I nodded, and remembered she couldn't see my actions.
"Basically. But not before he had a weird panic attack thing. Can you come over and let me show you? I need somebody to talk to," I said, choking on my words. If I could talk to someone, it would be Scott. But Scott is not here, apparently.
Not now, anyways.
"Alright. See you in 10," she said.
I didn't want to be alone with him. It would bring me to tears.
Author's Note: Fillerrrrrrrr.
I just wanted to update one more time.
Homework. Bye. 👋

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