Chapter 26

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POV: Scott (Original)
Pain rushed through my chest as I woke up on the ground of my bedroom. It was odd sharing your bed with yourself; it was worse when every time we made contact in any way, I would be surged into the light tunnel at random.

Let's just say, it hurts like hell when you fail when your awake. It hurts 10 times worse when your asleep and there's no way you were prepared.

Scott shot up like an arrow in bed. He looked around, dazed and confused like he didn't know where he was. I had done it again. I had made him reboot himself.
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, Mitch.

Scott stood from the bed and started to stumble around in the darkness. Something told me he had no clue where any of the rooms were. I was right. He made his way to the bathroom, the laundry room, and the office before he found Mitch's bedroom.

Mitch was breathing softly in the room. He looked so peaceful, although I know he is probably exhausted. His arms wrapped tightly around a pillow.

It's selfish, but I couldn't help but wonder if that would have been me if I wasn't here.

Now I wanted Mitch's arms around me, holding me as tight as he needed to. I almost felt homesick. I miss it like a case of homesickness.

"Hey. Guy. Wake up. I need help," Scott shook Mitch gently. Mitch groaned and sat up sleepily. He rolled his eyes and ran his hands through his hair once he heard that it was only me.

"What is it, Scott?" He asked, not hiding his upset tone of voice.

"Scott? Who is that?" Scott asked like a total dumbo. Mitch fell back onto his pillows in frustration.

"Do you remember anything about yourself?" He asked up at the ceiling.

"Should I?" I was beginning to hate that question. Especially if I was saying it. Mitch winced.

"Here. Just go back to your bedroom and sleep. Everything will make since to you in the morning," Mitch waved me off. "And I'm your roommate, Mitch," he added before he walked and closed the door in Scott's face. I stayed and watched in the corner of the room. Mitch started to wipe tears from his tired eyes as he laid back down on his bed. He clutched the pillow to his chest and started weeping quietly into it.

The only thing I wanted to do was walk up and cuddle. That's what I would have done if I was solid and people could see me. But the things that I did had no effect on people. I walked up and sat on the other side of his bed and took up the other side. Of course he didn't turn; he doesn't feel the bed slumping under my weight like it did when I saw it. I laid as close to him as I could without touching him, and I listened. It was the only thing I could do. Listening to Mitch, even if all he had for me to listen to was crying.

{POV: Mitch}
That was the 3rd time it had happened. I was positive that I would start to hurt if he had another attack tonight and he was calling me. The original Scot taking an effort to talk to me again.

All I could do was weep into the pillow that smelled the most like him. He smelled like Axe shampoo and Old Spice, depending on where my nose was on the pillow. It was still fresh.

"Oh Scott," I sobbed. "I need you to keep trying." I waited for the sound of a struggle. Nothing.

"I will die without you here. I will waste away." Sobbing did nothing but tire me out more. Still nothing.

I ended up crying myself to sleep. But not before I felt it.

A moist touch was placed on my cheek. It felt like a kiss. But I had to be imagining it. He wasn't here. If he was, he'd be here in person, telling me to suck it up so the skin on my face wouldn't be as wet when he kissed me all over.

He wasn't here. But the kiss was. It felt too real for it to be a fantasy.

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