Chapter 9

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POV: Scott
"What if we get caught?" Mitch whispered, quietly stepping out of the car. He was still pretty shaken from getting dumped. I guess I shouldn't blame him though.
"We won't. Travis lives in the most safe neighborhood. Police don't even step on this side of town," I whisper back, grabbing the special items out of the back of the car. Yes, we would be in trouble if we did get caught. But It wouldn't matter. I don't care if the world knows we were having fun. Mitch, on the other hand, would die of embarrassment.
"But wouldn't that mean they have things that make them safe? Like cameras and security," he asked, and he put his nose deeper in the sweatshirt I gave him to borrow. It was black, and it was like a cloud on him. But the way he cuddled up into it was adorable. And he did have a point.
"Your right. Hoods up."
We walked side by side until he reached over and grabbed my shoulder, telling me to stop. We were in front of a White House with a black shingled roof with a couple of holes in it. The windows were dirty and the lawn wasn't mowed. It had to of been the worst-kept house on the street.
"This is? I'm not surprised," I mumble, causing Mitch to snort.
"Not everyone has a singing career with loads of money, Scott. He's trying to get back on his feet," Mitch said in response. I stopped and turned around to face him.
"Your defending him now?"
"I still love him, Scott."
"Well if you would open your eyes, there are a lot more people who would kill for just a glance and a smile from you," I spat, and I turned on my heel and kept walking. I heard his feet shuffling quietly behind me.
Yes, I did have a crush on Mitch. I liked Mitch for who he was. I wanted to crush Travis's head at the moment for not letting Mitch go sooner so he wouldn't of had to make him go through getting blown off and cheated on. But I was upset. Mitch still wants him. And that's how every single television show goes. And we all know how those end. With the most shitty endings.
I handed Mitch one of the two bags I was carrying, and he takes it slowly.
"Okay. Uncover."
His face looked shocked. He threw it at the ground and stepped away.
"God no! Scott your crazy! I'm not going to jail for murder!" Mitch was convinced that a, I would murder someone, and b, you can buy real guns at dollar stores. Our world would end the day that the idiot that came up with the idea of putting weapons in a store gets to make decisions.
"Relax! And shut up, will you? You said it yourself. They might have surveillance. And it could be audio," I say, grabbing his arm to stop him from scooting on his butt all the way home.
"Why did you drive me here?"
"To get-"
"Revenge! I know. But I will not touch a gun. Dammit, Scotty. Things like that can and will ruin our careers," he said, shaking out of his skin.
"Do you want me to go first? It's not what you think," I suggested. He shook his head no.
"Then you want to go first?" He shook his head faster that time.
"I don't want either of us to go at all."
"Man up. Watch," I say, picking up the heavy piece of metal. I line up my shot with the front door. This had to go quick, if we were going to get good shots in.
I locked the shot in, and I closed my eyes as I squeezed the trigger, causing colorful paint to shoot out and paint the door 50 shades of red and blue.
A/N: paintball guns! Chill guys. I don't know how I feel about Daredevil Scott. I think I like passionate Scott more. But I don't know decide for yourself. (:

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