Chapter 19

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A/N: I lied. Scott's POV. Mostly because I want to do something short. The sad chapter is next chapter, because it had to be from Mitch's POV. It will work in his the most. Or when all the sad stuff happens, it has to be in his. Lol. #Procrastinator
POV: Scott
I was walking in an empty, white train station alone. The walls were all different shades of white, pristine nothingness. I even wore a white suit.
I assumed this was all a dream. That I was in my warm bed back at home, or maybe on the couch. I felt warm, for some reason. I decided that that feeling came from Wyatt or Mitch was cuddled next to me, and their body heat rebounded off me.
Mitch. Don't happy things usually come in dreams? If so, then Mitch should be here, walking beside me. At least then, I wouldn't have to worry about going crazy or getting lost.
I sat on a bench in the white never ending corridor, as a state of terror overcame me.
What if this WASN'T a dream? What if I was walking into the next world? Am I dead? Why am I alone, with nobody here? Isn't some dwarf suppose to come out and "show me the way," like in the movies?
A man who looked a lot like Gandolf-the man with the long beard from "The Hobbit" who once again I'll say, is basically a dwarf- walked slowly toward me. He was old, and he wore long white robes that looked like a cape or a bathrobe. His face was blank. His hands were behind his back. He eventually made it to the bench and sat down without speaking to me.
Was he not here for me? Apparently not. He wasn't "showing me the way."
But then, he looked at me, and got my attention by snapping his fingers in my face. They made a crackling sound, like he had fire in them.
Heck, if this in fact was a dream, he could breathe fire if he had it in him.
As long as I could wake up with both of my warm boys beside me, I didn't care about anything else.
"Excuse me, but I'm afraid you missed your bus," he said. I could barely make out his words through his beard. But when I did hear him, I raised an eyebrow. What train? To where?
"I said, I think you've missed your train," still confused.
"To where?" I asked.
"On." He didn't look at me, he looked straight ahead. There was such a faraway look in his eyes. They were gray and clear. They looked like they were dead. And then it dawned on me.
"On? Meaning, I'm dead? That can't be right!" I was freaking out.
He nodded, and then he shook his head.
Dead?! How could I be dead? I don't remember anything since coming out to Avi and Kevin. I seriously couldn't have done something so stupid to literally kill myself. Maybe hurt myself, while drunk or whatever. But death? How?
And how could I have left Mitch? Was he missing me? Did he know?
God. I hope not. Rejection, cheating, dumped and now a death. I could cry for him.
"Not yet. The train to On takes you...well, on. To what? I'm unaware. Death, as in the title. But from there, who knows what. The train to back takes you back to life. But there's always a catch. There's always something that doesn't make it back. Something you have to give up as a payment. But that's your decision," the Gandolf guy spoke with his faraway and occupied theme, his voice going softer here and there. I could have sworn he was going to fall backwards at one point.
"Payment, as in a limb or something?" I asked. Of course, I would take the train to back. I couldn't leave Mitch and Pentatonix if I had the choice not to. He shrugged.
"I am only the teller. The beholder may or my not need the price. For example, an eye. You can live without an eye. You will only be half blind. You can live without a kidney, to. I don't think the price is that gory. Well, I take that back. Some don't make the train back alive, for the price has asked for the brain or the heart or the soul."
He took a break in between sentences to breathe, which ticked me off. I was going to miss both trains, if he wouldn't fucking get to the point.
"I guess it depends on the person."
"What must I do to get on the train back?" I asked. He looked at a blank screen-like a jumbo screen at stadiums or in Times Square or something. I followed his gaze.
"You wait for it. But I advise you to wait for the next train on. Life is peaceful, when you don't have to worry about dying," he stood up, and started to walk away. But not before he stopped to give me a look over his shoulder.
"Are you sure you choose life?" I nodded furiously, without hesitation. I was scared of what I would lose. But honestly, it's either death, or a chance that could lead to death. It wasn't that hard a decision, with Mitch on my mind or not. The man chuckled.
"Pay attention to the screen, then. You are going to wish you didn't choose." He threw a bright ball of light at the screen.
Then, images of my friends and family popped up on it. I was in a lot of them, looking happy. But something strange started to happen. All of the people who I began to dissolve out of the images. Like seriously, now you see me, now you don't sort of thing. I looked over to the man for an explanation, but he was gone. I could see his figure miles off into the distance, walking in the opposite direction.
"Sir! Please wait! What's going on? Sir!" I called. The corners of my vision started to blur. I was seeing spots. I crashed to my knees, not being able to breathe. I looked to the screen once more. All the images were of me and me only, with the people I loved cut out like cardboard.
All this meant was that I was going home, to my loved ones. I would hug them all, and remember all of the times we shared together. I would hug and kiss Mitch, and hold him as I told him about this dream. Knowing him, he would make fun of me, and then tell me that it wasn't real and that nobody could take him from me. I would remember the first time that I ever liked him, and I would pay myself on the back for picking him out.
Or so I thought...

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