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POV: Mitch
Scott and I sat hand in hand in the pew. I had told him that we were invited to come to Evan's funeral, but when the day had come, neither of us had been ready. I couldn't go through a funeral without crying, and he couldn't either. Plus his added headaches from damage and "coming back" caused its own set of problems.

After the ceremony, the other members of Pentatonix had gone to wait in the car. Kirstie couldn't stand more sadness, and Scott was starting to get a major headache. (That isn't a good sign.)

I stood staring at the small closed coffin. The picture that sat beside it was of a cute little boy, smiling so wide you could fit a banana in there. He stood up tall, and an oxygen tank hid behind his legs. Even in perfect health, I could never smile so wide a smile. I couldn't believe that this was his punishment. He, of all people, didn't deserve it. His family didn't either. Poor Samantha.

And speaking of...

Samantha hugged me from behind. Even though it had only been about a month, Sam had matured so much. Her face was already made up to look older than she was, and her dress was a sophisticated but happy yellow color. She was a pretty little girl. Her eyes looked just like the boy in the photo.

"Thank you all for coming," she said, finding courage to smile. I smiled and I hugged her back. She played with a loose thread on her dress. She held my hand as we glanced over to the coffin.

"He would have struggled growing up," she started, answering my thoughts.

"I'm not saying he didn't have a lot of friends; he did. It was cute at birthdays and stuff where all the boys played around in the yard," he smiled down at her ring. I saw that it had an "E" on it. E for Evan.

"It's just that getting older, he'd have to go more regularly for check-ups, and he would have to trade hanging with friends for being safe. He was so social. I don't think he would have liked it very much," she frowned. I patted her shoulder softly.

"You would have been there for him, right?" I asked. She didn't look in my eyes.

"I don't think I was a good sister to him," she said sadly.

"Why not? Getting our autographs for him was nice," I said. We started to take a walk out by the river that was right outside the church yard. It was a beautiful day.

"I was never really there for him. I didn't want to have to be responsible for him. But after my parents told me that his lungs were failing and he was going into surgery, my parents told me that Evan loved me. I didn't get it until they were out of the room. I...i just feel so guilty," she said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"I think that we all need to be woken up sometimes, or we'll miss something important. Let's just say that before a month ago, I would say that those moments would be in high school science class. But, I never really realized that Scott was so important to me. You know, I have never missed him more than I did when he wasn't here. Maybe, you'll pay more attention to the things you care about." I was thinking about my words. You know, I feel like the term "You never know what you ha until it's gone" was over used. But now I think about it every time Scott puts his arm around me.

"I guess so. Thank you again, Mitch. For everything." She hugged me one more time. Then, she ran back to hug her mom and dad. I walked alone to the car where the Pentatonix members were waiting.

"She was one of the bravest people I have ever met," I said, staring out the window. I wasn't saying it to anyone in particular, but Scott was the only one awake still in the limo. He scootd closer to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah? Well your the bravest person I've met," he said, and he kissed my cheek. I chuckled slightly.

"I'm not brave," I began. "I just realized what I had lost early enough."

"Well, you're still here, and so am I. Let's stop thinking, and enjoy right now."

"You're right. But to an extent. No clubs for you for a while," I chuckled slightly again.

"Fine. You'll have to entertain me though," he smirked. I blushed as he pulled me to him, and he wrapped his other around me. We stayed there for a while, and I ended up dozing off.

I dreamed about a man. He had white long robes that covered all of him except his hands and face. He was old. He had dead cold eyes. Yet in a way, he looked so familiar.

"Enjoy time while you have it. Time won't always be your friend," the man said.

Time. Time is never your friend. It is what your do with your time that matters most.

Right now, I don't plan on wasting my time with Scott. With us, nothing is wasted. It's only used up by us being together.

Being together with people? Now, I'd hardly call that wasted.

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