Chapter 4

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POV: Mitch
As Scott walked out the door, Wyatt jumped on my lap, scaring the living crap out of me. The cat is seriously a ninja.
"Down, boy," I snap, pushing him off. He let out a small mew and walks off. I instantly feel guilty for it though, because it wasn't his fault.
"I'm sorry baby, daddy is just upset," I whisper when I manage to find him. He lets out a slow purr, and he rubs against my pant leg.
He usually only does this to Scott who he's over. Scott.
Why was he so mad? If I upset him, wouldn't he of told me? And he looked fine until I told him about Travis and I.
"He.... He couldn't. Or could he? No. Definitely not. Maybe..... Maybe I should go talk to him. Yeah," I say myself. I finish my omelette and walk upstairs to get dressed. I shower and was dressed in 15 minutes. My hair? Different story. It looked like I woke up from the dead. So I eventually just stuff. It under a beanie and head toward the gym.

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