Chapter 20

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POV: Scott
I was in a hospital bed when my eyes opened. The world was blurry at first, but it eventually came into focus. Mitch was holding my hand on the side of the bed. I smiled out of my mind to see him. He didn't look as happy to see me though. I sat up in bed, and pushed the hair out of his face. His eyes stayed focused on where I was laid.
He brought my hand up to his face. He kissed my fingers, and rested his forehead on them.
"Hi Scott, it's Mitchie."
"Hey, babe," I whispered.
"We're alone. If you can hear me, will you show me somehow?" He squeezed my hand.
"I'm here, Mitch. I can hear you fine." I pulled my hand away from him, and I rested it on his cheek. He didn't react. Terror rushed through me as I witnessed that my hand was still in his, even after it moved. My skin was...see through. Like a holographic projection. It was my hand, even though mine was on his cheek.
I followed the arm to find me. My...second body was laid back in bed. I wasn't moving, either. Mitch seemed to be focused on the other one. I could touch him, and he wouldn't react. I pulled his ear. Nothing. I moved a piece of his hair to the side. It slid by itself back in place, in the perfect way he styled it. My other self let out a moan, which made Mitch smile.
"So Scott. Assuming that's a yes, I'll continue. I just want to say that I miss you."
"I'm right here. Mitch?"
"I miss your smile. And your eyes. Those little oceans you have in those little eye sockets. I still get lost in them, you know."
"It's alright. Mitchie. I'm right here."
"I miss your arms around me. I loved when you cuddled with me, even when you didn't want to."
I would never not want to cuddle with Mitch. This sounded like I was dead for real. I defiantly was not.
I miss your voice. When you sing it's so, it's so passionate and it sounds so effortless. I wish like I could sing like you sometimes."
His voice is perfect. I wish that I could sing like him. I hated this. "I" moaned again.
"Scott, please come back. I don't know what Kirst, Avi, Kevin or Ester told you. But the fans already miss us like crazy."
How long have I been under hibernation? He chuckled, which confused me.
Well, confused me more than whatever is going on.
"Did you know that hashtag Get Well Soon Scott is trending on Twitter? K might have already told you."
That's pretty cool. I had to almost die to get it to happen, but I'm glad the fans care.
His smile faded. He grabbed both of my other bodies' hands, and he held them in his.
"Listen here, babe. For me. Please try all you can to wake up. I don't know how serious everything is. I don't know what condition your in."
Oh my gosh. I wish I could just get him to stop. This doesn't make any since. How am I a ghost, if I chose back. Did I...did I die?
"I do know that we're going to kick Travis' sorry ass when you get well well enough." I couldn't believe it.
Travis did this to me? How?
"Scotty. If your there. Please," he started to cry. I have to get through to him somehow. I had to help him.
"Speak to Me, baby."
I couldn't do this. It was too hard to hear.
And then I cracked. I ran to the door. I opened it, and looked back to see if he heard.
He didn't.
It's like in my world, I can do whatever. But what I do doesn't affect anyone here. Like we were in two different dimensions of the same world. I felt like Mia from If I Stay.
Kirstie was crying out in the hall, and Kevin was comforting her. Avi and Ester were nowhere in sight. I wouldn't blame them. I bent down on the other side of Kirstie.
"Kirstie? Can you hear me?" I asked. She kept crying, and Kevin didn't look up, answering my question.
"I can't believe...that he died," she sobbed.
Me? I couldn't have!
"Oh that poor girl..."
What girl? Were they even talking about me? If not me, who?
"She was so sweet. What was her name... Samantha? Yeah. I can't believe that it happened to such a nice girl. I makes me wonder if Scott could-"
"Don't even finish that sentence, K,," Kevin stopped her.
"Scott is a fighter. He isn't going to leave after a first attack. He won't leave us. Or Mitch. Defiantly not Mitch. You know that," Kevin had her in his arms while he spoke. If they weren't talking about me, then who?
Mitch came out of the room with tears in his eyes.
"I'm ou- Kirstie? Are you okay?" He bent down beside Kirstie, and through me like I was a hologram after all. It hurt, even though I know he didn't know. Kirstie started crying more. She looked at Mitch with a sad look on her face.
"When I took Samantha back to her brother's room. Her parents were there. Mitch...Eli died on the table. I'm so sorry," she cried into Mitch's shoulder. His chest started to go up and down faster. His face looked pained. He apparently knew this girl. Who was this mystery person I never knew about?
He stood up slowly, and started off walking. Then running. And finally, sprinting down a flight of stairs. I followed behind.
He ignored all the calls for him to stop and to slow down. He stopped at a door on the ground level. He knocked on it, and ran in. The room was empty and dark. Nobody was there. It was hard to watch. Something told me this was this Eli's room. Mitch started to fall to his knees. He let out a sound that didn't sound human. He cried into the tile floor for a long time. He cried, and there was nothing I could do to help him.
And that hurt more than anything I have ever experienced in my life.
I stared at my sleeping body. I looked peaceful, with a blank expression on my face. I almost looked stupid with the way my eyes looked like I was almost squinting in my sleep. I hated the wrinkles that formed in the corners of my eyes.
God, was this really how I sleep on a daily basis?
I stood up, and I stood over myself. I had to get myself back.
"Scott! Hey Scott! You idiot, wake up!" I felt dumb yelling at my own self. But I had other ideas.
Or did I?
I could try jumping on my body to see if I could jump back into my own skin like in those cartoons. I wasn't confident that it would do anything. But it sure beat yelling at myself. I stood on the hospital mattress, over myself. I was going to count to three, and I would jump.
But would I do it?
Can I hurt my ghost self? Would I hurt this version of me? I had no idea. But this was all I had. Getting back to Mitchie was not an option.
My vision was blinded. My hair went in all directions. I was being pulled through a tunnel of blinding light. It hurt all the limbs in my body to try to move. There was nothing I could do to stop myself.
Mitch's voice echoed through my head, and burst out my eardrums.
"Speak to Me, baby."
"I miss you."
"I have feelings for Travis."
"But I also have feelings for you."
His voice racked my brain. It searched my thoughts. I couldn't think, it was invading my mind.
"I miss your smile."
"I wish I could sing like you sometimes."
"I miss your arms around me."
"Stop! Please!" I shouted into the tunnel. When I opened my eyes, all I could see were memories of all the band and I.
Kevin and I at the carnival.
Kirstie kissing my cheek playfully.
Avi and I making mad faces at each other to get the other to laugh first. (I lost.)
And, Mitch with his arms around my neck. His face when he kissed me. The way he looked so calm and like he felt protected. At Travis' house he looked so confused and scared when I yelled at him.
During the fireworks show, he looked so sad and disappointed when his phone rang kept buzzing.
When Travis Skyped him, his face was so heartbroken and beaten.
And when we laid in bed, he was smiling so wide.
Why couldn't I get back to that?
Pain shot through my back, so bad I had to squint and scream in agony. The world went dark. When I opened my eyes, I was laying on the hospital room floor. My body was the same.
Wait, no it wasn't either.
His eyes were open. He looked around with terror in his eyes.
I had woken myself up by traveling through him.
I was awake.
But why was I still out here? Why am I still looking at my own body? Did I not do the job?
A nurse walked in, and gasped when she looked at my other body.
"Scott? Your awake! For how long? Do you remember anything?" She was pacing around the room. Something told me she didn't know what to do. He stared at her with a confused face.
"N-no. Should I?" He asked, confused.
Yes, me. You should.
He looked at the room. He stared at everything before he went back to stare at the girl. She started to write something down on a clip-board.
"Do not move. Got it?" She asked.
Don't worry.
Before she got an answer, she was running out the door, leaving me and myself in the room.
Whatever I did helped.
Maybe if I did it again, I would return to normal?
But I was awake. That's all that matters.
I was going to see Mitch happy. That would make me cry rl tears of happy joy.
A/N: I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS WRITING! Eeew oh my gosh it's so bad!
If your confused:
Scott can watch himself asleep, and he can watch people he cared. But the people he cared about can't see him, because he's basically a ghost.
Eli died. ((Sorry...))
In the end, Scott tried to put himself back into his own body, but failed and was kicked out. That's how he ended up on the ground.
LOL I'll try to make the next chapter less suckish. :( ohmagosh im sooo sorry.

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