Chapter 8

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POV; Scott

"Revenge?" Mitch asked, his sobbing was getting softer and his breathing heavier. We kinda just layed there and did nothing. I was trying to calm Mitchie down, and it was working.

"Revenge Mitchie, revenge," I answer, rocking him back and forth on the couch. He looked awful now, with bags under his red and puffy eyes. His hair was messed up and spiked up in diffrent places from where he had buried his face in my arms. But he was still Mitch. Mitch, the boy who I met in High School. Mitch, the boy who I loved to secretly take peeks at, when I know he wouldn't notice. The man who is my best friend who I have been through everything with. The man who I have come to like. The man who will never feel the same.

"What's going on in that small space of yours?" he asked, smiling as he poked my forehead with his finger. I made him smile. I made him notice.

"Oh, just devilish thoughts, my child. Develish thoughts."

"Well, are you going to tell me?"

'I will. In time. Is that jerk-face home on this gloomy day in?"

"No. He was in some hotel room. But he said he was going to Florida for a few days the last time I talked to him. Assuming that is where he is, what is your plan?" Mitch asked impatiently. His eyes were closed, and his head rested on my shoulder. To say it wasn't making my heart race was an understatement. I just hope he couldn't hear it going a mile a minute. All I wanted to do as cuddle up with Mitch and maybe a de-clawled Wyatt and forget the hellhole of a world we live in. But there are two thngs wrong with that. Mitch will never like me that way, and you will never see one of us again if we decided to attempt cutting Wyatt's claws. The world can fade fast. Especially with a cat scratching your eyeballs out.

"We have to make a quick trip to the Dollar Store. Then, Travis will come home to a suprise."


A/N: LOL first (and last) time updating on a computer. Anyways, 'm running out of ideas. Help meh? I need some. (:

Thank you for reading! Updates will hopefully be daily, switching between this one and "The Angel in Me." (go check that out?) (;

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