Chapter 18

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Quick heads up/Author's note.
I decided to write in Kevin's POV because it was different and I wanted to describe Mitch's feelings and movement from another person's eyes. It may/may not have Scott's POV for the rest of the book,'ll see why. Urghhhh this is a stressing thing to write.
POV: Kevin
Mitch paced the lobby floor, his hands on his cheeks. The nurse told us that there was something wrong with Scott at the last moment, and that we'd have to wait out here until they had it under control.
It wasn't anything that you want to hear in a hospital. Mitch took it worst of all.
"If I have to wait he's for any longer, I will fucking hurt someone," Mitch pulled at his hair and paced faster. Avi and I exchanged a look. Mitch was a mess. This separation was tearing him apart, the more we were shut out and in the dark. I hated seeing him like this. He didn't deserve it.
Neither of them did.
"You okay?" I knew he wasn't.
"I don't know, Kev. If I sit down, I'm going to fall asleep. If I do that, something is bound to happen. And Kirstie promised she'd be here, but those fucking paparazzi won't leave her house because of me." He talked with his eyes closed, like he was falling asleep. I stood up, and pushed him into my seat next to Avi.
"We'll wake you up. We promise. But you can't go see Scott looking like you do. It'll worry him. So sleep. And we will get Kirst out in time. Okay?" Avi calmly talked, getting lower in pitch. Mitch wasn't objecting. He nodded off, and eventually fell deep into dreamland. Avi and I slowly swept away to talk so we couldn't be heard too easily.
"I hate to ask this, Avi. But do you think you could go get K? I'll stay with Mitch and try to find out about Scott. We promise we won't go in to see him without everybody here," I say to him.
"Will do. See you when I see you." Avi grabbed his bag and car keys, and headed for the door. I sat down in his seat by Mitch, cautiously making sure I didn't wake him. Avi was right. Mitch really did need to take a nap.
When Avi had finally returned, Kirstie was behind him. Her hair was shorter and darker. Whatever she had done, she probably forced Mitch to go along with it.
"It was backed up to the next neighborhood over. They sure do have a lot of shippers. It took forever to even find her house," Avi had sat down, still trying to catch his breath. Kirstie casually walked and sat on the chair closest to Mitch's head. She repositioned him to where he used her lap as a pillow. He never even blinked. If I had known better, I would think he hasn't slept in a week.
The next half hour was spent talking, singing songs quietly to the nervous or sad people coming and going in the waiting room, and taking turns sleeping. I felt relieved when a nurse came and stood in front of us after about 3 hours in.
"Hello. Are all of you here for Scott Hoying?" She sounded tired and snappy. We all stood and waited to hear the news. For the first time in two hours, I had to shake Mitch awake. He awoke with a start, and stood up like the rest of us. To tell us to go home now would seriously kill him.
"We're sorry for the wait. We found a major head injury nobody had seen overnight. He's alright now, though. Room 6b on floor two." She scribbled something down on her board, and walked away. Nobody was surprised to see Mitch run ahead to the elevator before any of us could fully process what we heard.
The hallway was white and long. We didn't have that much of a walk when we had eventually found wing B, but the hallway looked like it went on for miles. It was way bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside.
Mitch hesitated with the door handle. Tears were springing from his eyes as he looked straight at us.
"I don't know if I'm ready. I don't want to see him beaten," Mitch stepped back. Kirstie gave him a hug. I joined on, and then Avi. We were all ready. We had been for hours. Mitch pulled away and shook as he placed his hands back on the door handle and pushed inwards.
POV: Mitch
It was overwhelming. The smell of the room didn't smell like Scott. It smelled like hospital. But yet, there he was, his body swollen and patched up. His eyes are closed, which I was hoping was only sleep.
Scott's hand was in his mom's and his other was in his sister's. They quietly held his hands and looked at him. Scott's father quietly wept in the corner, his back facing the door. The family looked at all of us, and started to gather their belongings,
I guess, to give us alone time with him. On her way out the door, Scott's mom gave me a tight hug.
"Scott talked about you in his sleep. Are you two a, you know, a thing?" She whispered. I looked at his blank face and nodded. I couldn't look at her face. Her eyes were just like his. Her features. His. Voice. His. She hugged me again. Like he did.
"I approve," she smiled at me with her tired eyes-that-looked-a-hell-of-a-lot-like-the-boy-who-couldn't-talk. I knew I should have been happy, but I wasn't. I was feeling twenty other emotions, and I needed them all out somehow without embarrassing myself. Once they had all left, I ran ahead of the others to claim a part of him. I grabbed his hand and sat beside the bed. His hand was cold, and it was soft. But it was his, and it's all I needed. The band and I had gathered around and cried tears of joy and other emotions together. At one point, I was positive that his head stirred toward me. His grip tightened ever so slightly to tell me he was there, and he released. I used my shirt to wipe my face.
We had all agreed to take turns having alone time with Scott. I had decided to go last, after everybody else had left. But I probably had an hour or two to kill before it was my turn, and there was no way that I was going to sit in that dumb waiting room for the time.
Walking around didn't really give me things to look at, but it defiantly did help me with my thoughts. I feel like those times when you write things down on notebook paper, and hate them and throw them in those little tiny trash cans. And someday, those cans overflow with paper and you never bothered to throw any of it away. I could imagine me writing everything down on sticky-notes, and throwing them in a trash can to let it overflow. I could get rid of all my problems at once as I throw the huge bag of thoughts away. And then I realize it did absolutely nothing.
Crying made me stop in my tracks. Not only because it's a hospital and I didn't want to see a dead body or anything, but the crying was familiar. Down the hall and taking a left, I find a little girl up against the wall, rocking back and forth.
I couldn't remember her name. It was the girl I'd signed the magazine for. It was the girl who I took a selfie with. It was the girl that made me smile, even when I was nervous and scared out of my mind.
And then, the name came to me.
"Samantha?" I called. She looked up at me, and instantly stood up. She ran into my arms, crying hysterically. I didn't know what to do. I hugged her back, wondering That's horrible.
"Mitch! W-what are you d-doing here?" She asked in between sobs. She was crying into my shirt. I couldn't help but wonder if this is what I did to Scott's shirts when he comforts me.
"I had to walk around. Others are visiting Scott now. I'll get my chance later, though. Why are you out here alone?" I was genuinely concerned. She was so happy after last night. She sniffled quietly, and cleared her throat.
"Eli's new lungs failed. Everything happened so fast, Mitch. One minute, my parents and I were gathered around the bed, watching Eli gawk at the autograph you gave me for him, and the next minute, he started to gasp for air. Nurses flooded in, and shoved me out. They wheeled his bed somewhere else, and my parents told me to stay in that room. I can't, Mitch. His things are in there. I can't look at them if he dies. I'm scared. No one wants to tell me anything," she wailed. She put her hands over her eyes to stop the tears from flooding. It was heartbreaking to hear it all. He must to have been waiting for lungs for years. And in less than a few hours, they quit. I don't even know the child. But I do know that he probably didn't deserve this. I hugged Sam tight so she would stop crying. After a while, her tears stopped. She pulled away to look at me.
"I never asked how Scott is," she said quietly. She sniffled , and rubbed her nose. I smiled at the ground, taking a strand of her dark brown hair in my fingers.
"He's been asleep. There's a head injury that we don't know much about. There are some bruises on him, to. But Scott is the strongest person I know. We'll come back. His room number is 6b. All the other Pentatonix members are there, if you would like to meet them. I'd love to take you," I offered. Her face lit up, but slumped again.
"I was told to stay here. Maybe I leave a note?" She asked. She ran in the room, took about five minutes, and ran back out again. The magazine thing was clutched in her hand.
"I don't want you in trouble, Sam. Are you sure you are alright with leaving?"
"Yes. And plus, I don't think my parents will be as ms at me if they knew that I was meeting Pentatonix," she smiled and hopped up and down.
There's that 'pinch her cheeks' feeling again.
Kevin, Avi and Ester were seated against the wall facing Scott's door when I showed back up with Sam. Her face lit up at the sight of the boys. They looked at me for an explanation. I wish Kirstie wasn't in the room with Scott-she was great with kids.-
"Boys, this is Samantha. Sam, you know those two. Sam is a fan of us. I met her last night in the waiting room. I found her again downstairs, crying. So I thought meeting you guys would cheer her up a little," I shrugged. Kevin smiled the whitest toothy smile ever, and Ester and Avi let out a small "Aw."
Kevin gave Sam a hug.
"Why were you crying?" He asked her gently. She was smiling, even through her explanation.
"My brother got a lung transplant last night. His new lungs failed on him earlier, and everybody left. Mitch found me alone in the hallways. Has Scott woken up yet?" She asked, scrunching up the paper in her hands. Kevin's smile became a thin line, answering the question.
"Not yet. Ooh, what's that?" He pointed to the paper in her small hands. She quickly handed it over to him to see.
"Mitch did it last night. With the exception of Scott, could you guys sign it?" She asked softly. Kevin chuckled.
"That's adorable. Of course." Kirstie came out of the room with smudged makeup. After signing the paper, Avi went inside. Kirstie looked at me and then to Sam. Sam quickly ran to her, obviously more excited about Kirst than any of us guys. Figures.
"Oh my gosh! It's you! It's really you!" She hopped up and down, making Kirstie smile a little bit. She leaned down so she was to Sam's height.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"Well, hi Samantha. Are you a fan of us?"
"Yes! I was wondering if you could sign this for my brother?" She held up the sheet and stared over it. Kirstie read the message on it and wrote a particularly long one as well. She then gave Sam a hug and decided she wanted to be the one to take her back to her brother's old room. I was annoyed, yet happy and relieved. I wasn't good at explaining things. And if her parents were there, Kirstie would look safer to be with than I was.
Avi came out faster than all of us. He walked silently down the hall, leaving is without a word. We were all tired, I guess. But what made him do that? Ester ran after him, takin his and her bag with her.
I held Scott's hand as the Hallmark movies began to play on the hospital television. I was waiting for the moment when Scott would wake up and laugh at a dumb joke that wasn't funny. I waited for him to take me in his strong arms, and to let me fall asleep to the rhythm of his beating heart. I waited for him to casually lean over and kiss my cheek or my forehead. Never my lips. I had to be paying attention for one of those.
Unfortunately, those moments never came. Scott was unmoving. But at the same time, I wondered if he was trying to move, but couldn't.
I wondered if he could hear still. If he wasn't completely asleep. It was worth a shot to find out.
I turned off the tv, and brought his hand up to my lips. Then I rested my forehead on his hand. His cold skin felt good against my sweaty brow.
"Hi, Scott. It's Mitchie. We're alone. If you can hear me, will you show me somehow?" I waited. I thought nothing was going to happen. But eventually, he let out the smallest moan ever.
"So, Scott. Assuming that was a yes, I'll continue. I just want to say I miss you.
I miss your smile. And your eyes. Those oceans you have in those little eye sockets. I still get lost in them, you know.
I miss your arms around me. I loved when you cuddled with me, even though sometimes you didn't want to. I miss your voice. When you sing, it's so passionate and it's sounds so effortless. I wish I could sound like you sometimes." I searched his face for any movement. Nothing. Another faint moan.
"Scott, please come back. I don't know what Kirst, Avi or Kevin or Ester told you. But the fans miss us like crazy." I chuckled a little bit.
"Did you know that hashtag Get Well Soon Scott is trending on Twitter? K might've told you already."
I grabbed his other hands and grasped them in mine.
"Listen here, babe. For me. Please try all you can to wake up. I don't know how serious everything is. I don't know what condition your in. I do know that we're going to kick Travis' sorry ass when you get well enough," I shook his hands. Nothing.
"Scotty. If your in there...just do something. Speak to Me, baby."
Streams ran from my eyes. I was talking with a statue. A cold, motionless statue with the boy I like hidden under the surface.
Well I might as well say it now.
The boy I love is under the surface.
The only one who comforted me when my own boyfriend wouldn't even make plans with me. The one who would clear his schedule for me any day. The boy who would love me like more than a friend.
The boy that needs to wake the hell up.
Author's Note: I don't like the next chapter. ((Hint hint.)) it's filled with lost of sad stuff. But I've procrastinated wayyy too long.
Sorry for any spelling errors. I looked over it. Sorry If I didn't give enough info on something. I'll explain any confusing parts. Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted.
((This book has over 400 views. I literally went to school and it had 300 something. I'm kind of blown away, because I didn't think people would actually take time away from their Wattpad lives to read this stuff. Even one of my favorite authors is reading my fanfiction now, and she favorited the first 9 chapters or something.
Haha, love you. :3
So... I'm done with gushy stuff in this a/n. I'll update maybe The Angel in Me or this one again sometime this weekend.
As long as you keep reading. :3

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