Chapter 15

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POV: Scott
"Hey, Avi. Hey, Kevin," I heard Mitch say at the front door. I was sort of nervous about telling Avi and Kev about Mitch and I. After all, what are any of us going to do if Pentatonix breaks up? Mitch and I have Superfruit. Kirstie knows people she can perform with. Avi is the lowest bass singer I have ever heard, and I bet he'd get a lot of offers, and Kev can bring the perfect beat to any other A Capella group. But I know that none of us would be happy. We are our own family. We came together to make our dreams come true. Well this is going to sound cheesy, but Mitch is one of my new dreams. I feel so much happier with him. I just don't know how they will react.
"Hey, Scotty," Kev sat by me on the couch in the living room. Avi sat on the armrest. Mitch stood.
"Hey guys. Do either of you know where Kirstie is?"
"Beats me," Kev shrugged. {A/N: get it? Kevin is a beatboxer. :D}
"The last time I heard from her, she was at the studio," Avi answered.
"I'll call her," Mitch took out his phone and went into the kitchen. The three of us watched SpongeBob SquarePants on the television and listened to Mitch's muffled, quiet voice on the phone for about fifteen minutes. The longer we waited, the more my forehead was showing sweat. I was starting to lose it. Mitch came to my rescue before Avi or Kevin said anything about it, though.
"Kirstie said we should tell them and update her later. I have to go over there after this. She needs my help with something," Mitch said. As confused as I was, Mitch gave me a look that told me not to question, and take the lead. We had a coin flip determining who would tell the boys the news, and Mitch won. Stupid quarters.
"Okay. Well anyway, Kevin and Avi, Mitch and I have something to confess. We hope that it doesn't come in between us as friends, or as a band." Avi raised an eyebrow, and Kevin looked in between the two of us for clarification. This was the moment. I took a deep breath, and I let the words pour.
"Mitch and I. We are a...a couple. We've told Kirst already. Well, Mitch was looking for advice on what to do, and she helped him. A-are you two okay?" I asked. Mitch came to sit on the other armrest beside me to hold my hand. He squeezed it tightly enough for my knuckles to turn white. Avi smirked, but Kevin went wide-eyed. Uh oh.
"Wait. So Scömítche is real?" Kevin. We nodded.
"Avi?" Mitch released his grip a little. Avi had the biggest grin on his face.
"You two have been teasing your audience for so long. I think you've been together for like a year. You just didn't know it yet."
"So are the two of you approving?" I asked. Kevin smiled with those insanely white teeth of his. Avi stood up, and held his arms out. So uh, yes. Bro-hug. I was so happy that Mitch and I could be together without regrets. Something tells me that we will get annoying to the other three really fast.
"I'm sorry guys, but I have to leave. Kirst awaits," Mitch started to leave, but I grabbed his hand gently.
"Do I get a kiss goodbye?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes playfully. He pecked my cheek, and left before I could protest that the cheek was not what I wanted. I turned back to the other two, who were smiling like idiots.
"Nothing. Honestly though, you two are so adorable," Kevin said. Avi nodded in approval.
"Whatever. You two want to go to the club and celebrate?"
"Whoop! Let's do it. Make sure to invite Kirst and Jeremy and Mitch." I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends.
{POV: Mitch}
"Kirstie? I'm here. Where are you?" I called when I got into her house. The rooms were dark and cold. With Kirstie, every bright thing illuminates the room like her mood. Something was up.
"Up here!" She called from upstairs. Her voice sounded stressed. I walked up the stairs and into the master bathroom. There sat a Kirstie, at the vanity with her long, blonde hair hanging down to her waist. She wore sweats that were too big for her. Probably Jeremy's.
"Hey, Kirst." She smiled at me. She scooted over so we could sit on the stool together.
"How'd it go? What did Kevin and Avi say?" She wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I smiled and looked down at the ground.
"Scömítche is shamelessly in love with no heartbreak and no more obstacles," I answered. That was my way of saying 'yes. They approved.' I liked mine better. She squealed with pleasure. I wrapped my arms around her, and we sat on the stool together, smiling like bozos and hugging eachother to the point of choking and suffocating the other.
"Thanks for the advice and support. Now why are we over here?" I ask.
"Can you cut and dye hair?" She asked, playing with her long mane. I did that thing that dogs do when they're confused; that head tilting thingie.
"Probably. But I'm not cutting your hair. And dye can ruin your hair." She pouted.
"I'm tired of blonde. And I want it shorter."
"And your asking me to do it?"
"Yes. Your my fashion buddy, remember?" I do remember. In high school, we cut Scott's hair. It looked amazing. We thought for about an hour that we'd be good at cutting hair, and then we got scolded for cutting the fur off of my parents' dog. It was hilarious, because the dog's fur would grow unevenly, and until it was fixed, we had to trim the longer parts. So that was that. I haven't cut hair in years, and it was a dog. I'll ruin her hair.
"There's a reason why we didn't get in any customers, Kirst."
"Look. I don't want just anyone touching my hair. Just try? I'll finish it up if you can't do it all. I'll thin out the edges. Cut to here," she said. She wants me to cut off half of her hair. She's officially lost it.
"If I screw up, you can't get mad at me," I mumble. I take the scissors from her vanity, and I begin.
{POV: Scott}
"Hello, pretty boy," the guy sitting beside me said. He must to have been on his seventh or eighth beer. I have downed six.
"H-hey," I respond. I was taller than him, no doubt. His legs couldn't touch the ground from the stool like mine can. His clothes looked dirty and torn. His face looked tired. He looked almost homeless. But with as much alcohol as he has bought tonight, he's got some cash. Beer isn't cheep here.
"How about you let me school you in a dance," he hopped unsteadily off his stool and held out his hand. I should have said no. But I got up anyway, and followed him to the dance floor.
Avi and Kevin were nowhere in sight. They couldn't help me if this took an unexpected turn.
"So what's your name, you sexy boy?" He started to move around me along with the music.
"I'm Alexander. But I go by Xander."
"That's cool." I wasn't scared of the guy. I had two feet on him. I was nervous about what I would do. He put his hands on my shoulders, and pushed me back against the wall. I have to say, he was actually pretty strong for a midget.
"What are you-fuck." I muttered when he started to grind on me. I hated this. I have someone else. Someone who wasn't here to see this.
"Get off."
"You know you liked it."
"I- no."
"Whatever. Let me buy you a drink?"
"I have to go."
"After a drink."
"No. Now."
"You mean now, after your drink."
"Just come on," he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the bar. That was all I remembered, before it got real.
{POV: Mitch}
"Thanks for driving me home," I told Kirstie. She smiled like a lunatic.
"Thanks for cutting my hair." Her hair was way shorter now. All the curl had been cut out, so now it was just really wavy. I don't know what she plans to do with it, but I know that she's going against my wishes, and she's dying it.
"No problem."
"Congrats on you and Scott!"
"Thanks. I'll text you later," I called from the front door. The lights were off, but Scott's car was in the driveway. He hadn't told me he had gone out.
Scott's phone echoed through the empty house. Avi.
"Avi? It's Mitch. Where are you guys?"
"Mitch? Do you know where Scott is? We can't find him anywhere. Where are you? He hasn't been answering his phone," Avi said without breathing. He was really worried.
"I'm at home. All the lights are off though," I said.
"Oh my god."
"What? What is it?" The line went quiet. Avi was seeing something, a she wasn't telling me what.
"What is it? Tell me!"
"We found him."
"You better come and look." And the phone died.
Leave it to Scott to run his battery down and leave it to die somewhere. I was running out the door, and i slung Scott's car door opened. The only other time I had run this fast was when Scott and I were in Travis' neighborhood, running from being caught. Now Scott was in trouble, and I am on the other side of town. This has trouble written all over it.
God. If Scott isn't dead when I get there, I'm going to kill him.
A/N: Too lazy to write anything else. UGHHH I go back to school tomorrow. So yeah. I feel like the next chapter I'm going to write is the climax of the story. I'm going to put it off as much as I can and procrastinate, because I know I'll screw it up. Aargh. :3

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