Chapter 28

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POV: Mitch
"Oh my gosh! Scott?!" Kirstie saw it happen first. Scott had collapsed on the ground like he did the first time. His eyes were squinted shut, and he had his hands over his ears. He wasn't trembling this time.

"What the hell is happening?" Avi asked as he leaned over Kirstie. We had all gathered around Scott's body. I was the only person brave enough to touch him, so I held his hand in mine, hoping. I wasn't that nervous about him dying. This had apparently happened twice before. But this time felt different. Like it wasn't like the others.

"I'll call 911," Kevin said as he rushed out of our living room and into the kitchen. Everyone was panicked. The hysterical crying, or the scared sick kind of crying. I stayed silent, as I watched every muscle, waiting for movement. Anything.

"Stay strong, Scotty. I believe in you. Wherever you are," I whispered.
{POV: Scott}
"Welcome to stage 2. Now convince me why I should let you live," the man said, staring off into the distance. I had to think a little bit on what I could say.

"Is this a good thing that I'm back here?" I asked. I sat beside him on the bench he was sitting on. He slowly gazed over at me with an eye color so gray, they looked dead and lifeless. He chuckled slightly and he stood, looking over his shoulder and waving for me to walk with him.

"Yes and no. You have figured out that every time you would make contact with your real body, you take a test, to prevail, yes?"

"I didn't know it was a test. What was I tested on?" I asked, matching my pace with the man's. He stared straight ahead, yet again.

"Your memories. You kept entering stage 2, but for some reason you kept failing to completely process yourself here. It's like a hologram of you would come here to sputter in then out. T'was rather odd, if you asked me. I've never seen it in all of my work here," he said.
"I'm ashamed to say that your memories was what I took as my price to board there train back. All this time, you've disgraced me."

"How?" I asked him.

"I took the memories away from you as a foolish punishment. You were suppose to see that you could never get back into your old self, and give up. But instead, you tried again and again. And you even manipulated your hologram. You were back to normal for a little, but your spirit wasn't strong enough to fight it's way completely in. You lost the battle, that day," he said.

I hadn't really thought about why I couldn't get back into my body again to talk to Mitch. It was extremely exhausting, I could remember. It had rattled me. But it all shared the same outcome as the other attempts.

"Did you restart Scott each time?" He nodded.

"No one has ever manipulated my punishments. You are the first. You could be great here, you know. You and I could make decisions together. You're what I'd like to call The Fighter. You will never experience pain or suffering ever again here," the man offered.

It sounded lonely and bland. Everything I knew and loved was back on Earth. I couldn't leave after all I had been through.

"Sir? That's sounds amazing. But I cannot accept. You see, all I have gone through has been for the ones I love back on Earth. My band. They rely on me to carry them and support them. I can't just leave.
Our fans. They were devastated to hear about me in the hospital. They have been anxious for a Superfruit video. They have been dying to hear news about me. To leave now, would cause complete chaos for all the Pentaholics.
I can't do it. I don't want my friends to be the ones who have to confess to the world that Scott Hoying will never wake up.
And then, there is my best friend, and my partner, Mitch. We've been through so much together. We've known each other since we were 10, and we have been inseparable ever since. I died when I realized I couldn't help him in any way when clueless Scott woke up in my place. I miss everything about him. His eyes, his hair, his love, his voice, his comfort. I've longed for him for so long. I miss them all. I love them all with all my heart and all my being. To leave them would cause me grief and regret for the rest of my life. Please. Take me back to them. Show me how to get myself back. I'm begging you," I pleaded.

My face reddened after I realized that his face was just as cold as before. Maybe I wasn't good enough.

"You really would have been great here. But leave you shall," he mumbled. He placed his hand on the top of my head, and my bones began to shake. I started to feel pain cross through my brain and my chest. I felt like I was being stretched in multiple directions.
It felt like the closet thing there was to torture.
I awoke with a large gasp. I was hooked up to a machine, and I had an oxygen mask on my nose and mouth. I tried to remove it, but I instantly became lightheaded, and I had to leave it on.

A nurse in Orange scrubs came in to check on me. She made eye contact with me, and she started to grin.

"Welcome back. Nice for you to join us," she said as she came to check my machines. "Your friends have been waiting for like, a full two days I. The waiting room. They all must really care for you," she said.

It had occurred to me that she was staring at me when she was talking.

That only met one thing.

I was back to myself, and there was no other Scott in sight.
A/N: Sorry for the bad chapter! 😁 really stressed.
2 more chapters left! 1, actually, and an epilogue to end it. I could write a sequel and call it "The Fighter," but I haven't really been feeling it lately.
So yeah, it's almost done.
Hope nobody wants to kill me after this is done. 😁😂

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