6. It's a... (not) date?

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Zander POV

Jax: Did you talk to Lennix today?

Really? Today was just starting to look up.

Zander: Yes. Why?

Jax: No reason. Just wanted to make sure she was feeling better.

Right. I totally believe that. Idiot.

Zan: She's fine, man. We're going out to dinner in a few.

That's right. Dinner. I asked. She said yes. Back off. Follow the rules.

Jax: Ohh dinner? Dude, I'm game! Where and when?

Are you shitting me?! No!

Jax: You know what, don't worry about it. I'll ask Nix.

I texted out a response as quickly as I could telling him no, it's a date, but he didn't even read it. So I figured going straight to the source would be better than phone tag while we're both in the same home.

I knocked on his door and waited.

And waited.

Hearing him laugh about something before he opened the door.

"Oh hey. She didn't get the memo that this was supposed to be a date." He shrugged "sorry, man"

I grit my teeth together "Jaxon, you can't just invite yourself out to dinner with people."

"Oh I can" he smiled "but I didn't. See.."

He handed me his phone "SHE invited ME."

And there is was, in print... she invited Jax saying it was just to catch up.

I didn't expect to pick up where we left off but I wasn't really expecting to be benched after the way she smiled at me in the park. Or the way she said my name in my kitchen. I have an effect on her. I know I do. She has the cutest blush when she's with me. It reminds me so much of when we were kids. When I was the only one to put that blush there.

Does Jaxon make her blush too? Does she have a thing for him now? I don't think I could handle that.

"Jax," I took a deep breath to calm myself. "What actually happened last night?"

He looked at me like I kicked his puppy. There was a sadness, regret, and longing in his eyes. What the hell has gotten into him?

"Jaxon?" I asked more pressing.

He recovered and flashed me a smirk that didn't meet his eyes "Why does it even matter if you're going to invoke the rules as if she's some kind of property? Already yours like it's a done deal?"

I raked my hand over my face. "Obviously, I was wrong. She's not mine. I just want her to be. I've loved her since we were kids. But you..." I sighed hating the words that were to come next "you seem to like her. Even if it's just physical. But she deserves better than a one night stand and no call backs. If you aren't prepared to go all in with her, step aside, because that's what I plan to do. I'm in this for the long haul. I can be as patient as I need to be. Do you have it in you to do that for her?"

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